Ep 10: The next big sting

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Dragons Edge - Cliff

(Y/n, Hicca and the other riders climb up to a cliff)

Tuffnut: Oh, my back.

Astrid: Okay Hicca, you dragged us all the way up here.

Tuffnut: Now what is it you have to show us? It better involve food or destruction. Or a combination of the two.

Hicca:  I bet you're wondering why I brought you here today. And the answer is, to show you my latest invention. Presenting the Dragonfly One.

(She takes out a wing suit and shows it to the others who are not impressed)

Hicca: Huh? Huh?

Y/n: Really? Dragonfly one?

(Tuffnut lifts up his chicken)

Tuffnut: The chicken is not amused.

(Tuffnuts Chicken clucks)

Snotlout: What is it?

Hicca: It's a flight suit. Don't all applaud at once.

Fishlegs: Hicca, I don't need to remind you that we already have flying dragons. Why would we ever need a flight suit?

(Hicca attaches the dragonfly one onto her back)

Hicca: Well, what if we were to get separated from our dragons mid-flight? We might need to solo fly until we catch up with them again.

Snotlout: When this doesn't work, and it clearly will not, can I have Toothless?

Hicca: Oh, for Thor's sake.

(She walks over to the edge of the cliff)

Y/n: What are you planning on doing here?

Hicca: Jumping. Unless someone has a better idea.

Astrid: I can't believe this.

Hicca: Guys, relax! Feel that updraft? That's why I chose this place. It'll pick up my wings and I'll be floating on a bed of air.

(She ppens Dragonfly One, and notices one wing didn't open completely. She grunts and chuckles awkwardly as she tries to open it)

Snotlout: Or crashing on a bed of rock.

(Hicca growls at him)

Hicca: Okay, everyone. Dragonfly One, maiden flight.

(Hicca jumps, and then screams as she begins to fall)

Y/n: Hicca!

(Toothless jumps after Hicca)

Tuffnut: I don't know about you guys, but I was under the impression that a flight suit was supposed to fly.

Ruffnut: Yeah, that looks more like a plummet suit.

(Toothless grabs Hicca and shields her with his wings as they fall into the water below them)

Ruffnut: Do it again.

-----Time Skip-----

Hicca: Okay, so I made a few tweaks. Now behold some serious flying.

Dragons Race to The Edge x Male reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now