Ep 21: Maces and Talons, Part 1

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(The Dragons Riders are fighting with the Dragon Hunters)

Hicca: Fishlegs, flaming boulder!

(Meatlug eats a flaming boulder flying at her and Fishlegs)

Fishlegs: See, girl? I told you we'd have time to eat.

Astrid: Arrows coming next, guys!

(Y/n, Bahamut, Snotlout and Hookfang block the hunter's arrows with their armor. Ryker growls as he looks at Y/n)

Y/n: Hey Bahamut, let's set these guys free.

(Bahamut blasts the hatch of the ship and he dives down below the deck with Y/n, where they free the dragons and they all fly out and away)

Dagur: I keep saying, don't underestimate them. And what do you do? You underestimate them!

Ryker: Someone is giving them information. Someone who knows our every move.

(He glares at Heather who looks at Snotlout and Hookfang)

Heather: Sorry about this, Snotlout.

(Windshear fires at Snotlout and Hookfang making Snotlout fall off Hookfangs back)

Snotlout: Hookfang!

(Before he hits the water the twins catch him)

Tuffnut: Well, that had to be embarrassing.

Ruffnut: Who knew you had such a feminine scream?

(Heather and Windshear start to chase after them while blasting at them)

Ruffnut: Whoa! Whoa!

(She falls off Barf and Belch but Hookfang flies in and saves her)

Snotlout: Really? Her, he saves? Thanks a lot, Hookfang!

Ruffnut: I know I'm not as stocky or annoying as Snotlout, but let's try and work together, okay?

(She and Hookfang fly towards a ship but when they get close a net wraps around them making them fall into the water)

Dagur: They're down! Pull them aboard!

Tuffnut: Okay, Snotlout, you gas, I spark.

Snotlout: Yeah, I got it, I got it! Okay.

(Snotlout and Tuffnut blast the hunters and Dagur away)

Tuffnut: Yes! How awesome are we?

Snotlout: Um, let me think. Totally awesome! That's who we are.

Tuffnut: All right!

Ruffnut: Hey! When you're done handing out the Viking of the Year awards, you mind getting us outta here?

Snotlout: Shall we?

Tuffnut: We shall.

(They fly away from the ships)

Tuffnut: That was indescribable.

Ruffnut: You! Get off my dragon.

Tuffnut: Uh, actually, my boy Snot and I are gonna hang for a bit. You know, relive the glory of battle. You don't mind riding Hookfang, do you, sis?

Dragons Race to The Edge x Male reader (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora