Ep 4: When darkness falls

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Random island

(We see hicca and snotlout, both screaming and running away from four wild boars)

Snotlout: "Let's explore the island on foot; rest the dragons for a long trip home, I'm a muttonhead!" OK, genius, what's our next move?

(They stop at a edge of a cliff with the boars closing in)

Hicca: W-Weapons, we need weapons.

(Snotlout looks at hicca's prosthetic foot)

Snotlout: Got one!

(He grabs her foot and tugs)

Hicca: Snotlout, let go!

Snotlout: What? Called dibs! Gimme!

(The two struggle over the leg, and then break apart as the boars come closer. Just as two of them are about to charge, Stormfly, Astrid, you and bahamut swoop up from behind the cliff and Stormfly and bahamut blast at the creatures. Moments later all of you are back in the air)

Y/n: Ok, so check that island off the list.

Fishlegs: Ooh-hoo-hoo! This is so exciting! Searching the high seas for an island outpost to call out own!

Ruff: Yeah, I like this idea! Move away from berk, get my own place, away from you-know-who...

(She looks meaningfully at tuff)

Tuff: Yeah, you're telling me, sister. I am so sick of you-know-who. He never knows when to shut up! I want him out of here!

Y/n: Guys, let's focus, alright, we need to find an island that's safe, secure, and habitable for both us and the dragons.

Snotlout: Blah, blah, blah! How many times do we have to hear that?

Hicca: Um, until we find what we're looking for? Let's check this one out.

(You all swoop into a different island)

Hicca: Not bad, not bad! Lots of fresh water, seems like a plentiful food supply...

Ruff: And lots of cool blue flowers...

(She sniffs two handfuls of the flowers)

Ruff: I'm in!

Astrid: Wait... aren't those...?

Fishlegs: Blue Oleanders, deadly poisonous to dragons.

Tuff: So... we're not staying?

Y/n: Absolutely no.

(Barf and belch sneeze. Again you and the gang are back in the air)

Fishlegs: Whoa, this island is beautiful! I even like those weird dots all over the...

Hicca: Those aren't dots! They're Whispering Death holes!

Snotlout: Been there, done that.

Astrid: Next!

(Fishlegs screams and runs away from boars, back on the first island you visited)

Fishlegs: My bad! Should've crossed this island off the list!

(You and Astrid jump off the cliff, your dragons ready to catch you. The others leave as well)

Fishlegs: OK...

(Back in the air, you and the gang are flying above a new island)

Hicca: This looks pretty good!

Astrid: Those cliffs could work! Good sight lines, easily defendable...

Fishlegs: The location is great!

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