002 | ᵖᵃˢᵗ ᵍʰᵒˢᵗˢ

Start from the beginning

"I present Captain Pete Mitchell, call sign. Maverick" Colette watched as Rooster tore his eyes from Maverick In anger. If looks could kill Maverick would be six feet under. Colette looked towards Hondo beside her with confusion. "Did you know?" She questions. Hondo smirks giving Colette just the answer she needed.

Maverick walked up to the podium looking towards Hondo and Colette before starting. "Good morning." He presented the F/A -18 manual in hand. "Everything they expect you to know about your aircraft is contained in this book. I'm assuming. You're all familiar with it.?" He inquires eliciting a few verbal responses.

Maverick suddenly tosses it in the trash can beside him. "And we're off." Hondo says nudging Colette. "So does your enemy. But what your enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find them and push beyond them. So, we'll start with what you think you know." The aviators were quiet and hanging onto his every word.

Warlock approached the platform to conclude the proceedings and dismiss the pilots. "Follow Chief Engineer Ruth to the tarmac to locate your jets." "You are dismissed." Warlock closes by motioning to Colette and Hondo.

Colette could feel the stares. She didn't know where to look. Hondo patted her on the shoulder as she nodded. She turned back as she approached the tarmac, hearing chairs shuffle and footsteps behind her.

She waited for the aviators to gather in front of the line-up of jets. As the aviators gathered in front of the pair, her colleague approached her with a clip board and a pen. "Thank you." Colette signed it before returning her focus to the aviators.

She spotted Jake and Bradley's stunned reactions. She tried not to look at them for more than a second. "Good morning, if you weren't aware, my name is Chief Engineer Ruth, Callsign Tinker." Here at Top Gun, I am in charge of the mechanical side of things." She informs receiving some nods from pilots.

"On the left side, we have single flyers, and on the right, we have doubles." Please notify me or my team if you encounter any problems with the jets." Colette closes by softly smiling at the aviators before returning to the hangar to check on her squad.

"She is definitely a sight for sore eyes." Payback states, Bradley fought his urge to roll his eyes. He had no idea Colette would be there; the last time he saw her, she was planning to work in Hawaii for a couple of years. She was the one who got away.

Jake, on the other hand, was looking forwards to seeing Colette. The only woman he had genuinely fallen in love with. He knew he'd have to catch up with her and ask her all the questions he had. Both guys needed to talk to her, and they needed to know why.

Colette made herself at home in a hangar, inspecting the underside of a jet. As she wandered around beneath the jet, she had the radio next to her. She tightened a few screws in an attempt to locate the problem. She was particularly interested in how the first day of the detachment would go, given that Maverick was their instructor.

Colette had heard stories about the man from her father and uncle, Hollywood. He was a risky yet capable pilot. She knew he could teach such a group of aviators. Her colleagues move around the vicinity while repairing other jets and pieces of equipment.

"Good morning, aviators. This is your Captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighting manoeuvres. Today's exercise is dogfighting, as you were briefed. No missiles, only guns, and no going below the hard deck of 5000 feet. Shoot me down as a team, or else." Maverick stated as Colette smiled, she could hear the cockiness in his voice.

"Or else what, sir?" Fanboy questioned into the radio. "Or I shoot back." Maverick responds.

"How about we put some skin in the game?" Payback questions . "What did you have in mind?" Maverick states playing along with the deal. "Whoever is shot down first has to do 200 push-ups. And if we shoot you down you give us Tinker's number." Payback answers

"That's a lot of push ups. And I'd be careful asking for something like that gentleman." Maverick says. Bradley listens in, slightly annoyed at the deal. "Its not called exercise for nothing sir. Don't worry about us." Fanboy responds.

Colette smirked, interested by the deal being made. She climbs the ladder to the cockpit of the plane she was working on, turns on the radio, and brings the speaker to her mouth. "Gentlemen, you should know that only good pilots can have my number." Maverick laughs when he hears her voice over the radio.

Rooster smirks and chuckles faintly. He had her number. Colette smiles slightly when she hears Bradley laugh. Hearing the statement, the aviators in the break room smiled. "There she is." Jake mumbles under his breath. "Are we not good pilots?" Payback questions.

"Not good enough. Have fun getting your asses kicked." Colette remarks as she replaces the radio on its stand. She returns to the cockpit by descending the ladder.

She would now simply sit and listen.


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Hey everyone. I hope you are all enjoying this. Second chapter in and I'm feeling good about this. I wanted to thank everyone who has already been showing this fic their love. THANK YOU. Another announcement: I will be releasing a one shots collection once I have concluded my footloose fic. Love you all.

See you next upload :)

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