"Abi?" Engin asked as he entered the room, looking at the two people staring at him. Eda smiled at him while Serkan was clearly annoyed at his best friend's presence. "Did I interrupt something? Are you two okay?"

"Hayır, we're fine." Eda answered. "I heard you wanted to talk to Serkan?" Engin nodded. "I'll leave you two alone then." She said before leaving the room, taking a quick glance at a frustrated Serkan Bolat.

"Abicim, ne oldu?" Engin asked as he approached him.

"Engin, you always have the best timing." Serkan responded sarcastically, giving his best friend a fake smile.

"What did I do?"

Serkan did not answer and just lightly shook his head. "Neyse, what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I just wanted to know how London was..." With this, Serkan knew what Engin was trying to find out.

"Tamam." Serkan answered. "Why did you tell Eda about Italy?"

"I thought she already knew! We were talking about your recent trip to Italy with Kiraz, so Italy became the topic and I may have said things that I wasn't supposed to." Engin explained. "In my defense, I didn't know that she still had no idea."

"Gerçekten, Engin?" Serkan asked sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Ee—how did she react? Did you guys fight?" Engin asked.

"Evet, we did. We really fought." He nodded. "And now, she knows everything. Teşekkürler, Engin." Serkan said, patting his best friend on the shoulder before heading out of his office.

Engin wasn't sure if Serkan was being sarcastic in this 'thank you' or if he was being sincere that at least now, Eda knows. They seemed fine...right? He thought to himself, confused.

"Is that why Kadir was here?" Engin called after Serkan who only nodded in response as he continued to walk away.


The sound of two kids talking surrounded the recreation room as Eda and Piril entered with Kiraz and Can, while both babas followed behind. Serkan, however, suddenly stopped at the entrance, making Engin stand beside him.

"Ne oldu, abi?" He asked, but Serkan just furrowed his brows and squinted his eyes as he stared inside the room, tilting his head.

"Hmm..." Serkan finally spoke. "What if we make this room into something for Kiraz and Can?" He suggested, finally walking inside and making Eda and Piril look at him.

"They are mostly here when we're busy with work. I'd want them to have a space of their own—their own recreation room within our recreation room. What do you think?" He asked.

"I'm all for it, abi!" exclaimed Engin.

"Olur." answered Piril.

"I think it's great what you're doing for the kids, aş—Serkan." Eda quickly corrected herself before anyone realized what she was about to say...but of course, Serkan noticed, making him smile at her. Oh, how he wanted to hear her say it, but now was not the time.

"Tamam. Let's talk about redesigning this room to better accommodate adults' and kids' recreational activities." responded Serkan, before walking towards Kiraz and crouching down.

"In no time, you'll have a playground here in the office." He said to Kiraz and Can, making them smile and give him a hug. Eda smiled warmly at the sight in front of her, which did not go unnoticed to the couple beside her.

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