35| Fear Of Uknown

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He calmly rises with me in his arms, gripping my thighs tightly. Slowly but gently I'm placed on a nearby sofa and he cups my cheeks. His firm, warm hands comfort me.

"I need you to stay here," he starts before I interrupt. 

"I'm coming with you."

He's touching me but somehow it feels like he's a million miles away from me. It doesn't feel right.

"Sweet Angel, I'll be back soon. I'm going to lock the door so don't worry."

I instantly jump to my feet, desperately grabbing his hand. My stupid mind starts betraying me. I feel myself trembling at his words. "No! Don't lock it."

Confusion is written all over his face as he gently rubs his thumb along my face. "It's to keep you safe."

"Please," I beg. "I'd feel much safer with you."

A few months ago, I wouldn't have been able to comprehend feeling safe with another person. But with him, it's just too easy.

He looks hesitant.

"I'll let you come under one condition."

"When I tell you to run away, you'll run." I tighten my fingers around his as he spits out nonsense.

"A-Alek." I try to negotiate but it's no use against this man.

"It's not a question, you will."

He's ordering me and I love it. It's most definitely not the time but I can't help it.

"Now take this," he hands me a gun. "I'm going to show you how to use it."

He moves directly behind me and starts showing me the main parts of it, fingers slowly tracing over mine.

"Hold it like this...."

I pretend to pay attention but it's almost as if he's unintentionally comforting me.

"Keep your fingers here.."

How do I tell him it's completely useless?

"When your ready you can pull the trigger."

I don't need lessons on gun use. Far from it, I've known how to use one since I was a small child.  It's deeply ingrained within me. My father forced me and all of my siblings to learn how to use guns for protection. It was only ever seen as a precaution for emergencies. It's a shame it didn't really work.

I've always hated how one single object could have the power to decide someone's fate.

"Hold my hand," Aleksander commands as I slowly trail along. "I need you to stay calm."

We embark out of the room and immediately come face to face with several men. I peak out from behind my safe haven as stares analyse me.

Aleksander glares at them tucking me safely behind him.

"Sir, there has been a breach."

"Where is the breach now?"

"We believe Dimtri is taking care of it." He answers and I swear I've heard that name before.

He continues talking to them but I zone out.


I left him, fuck. He's probably terrified right now, I can only imagine him hiding away. It's terrifying thinking of the alternative. I'm such a terrible friend. He was with someone but that shouldn't have mattered.

"Alek, stop!"

" We need to leave, come on." He pulls me along, but I don't budge. "Angel what's wrong?"

I look directly into his eyes, " My friends are here, I can't just leave them."

"They've probably left," he attempts to reassure me but I can't take it. 

The speed that I let go of his hand probably caused him whiplash. It's no use, I'm determined to make my own way towards where I had last seen Mika. I need to help him if he's in danger.

My heart is violently drumming in my chest. It's not good for my nerves, hopefully adrenaline will kick in and give me courage.

"What are you playing at?" Aleksander shouts from behind me. I can feel the anger radiating off him in uncontrollable waves. "I'm trying to protect you."

"I can't just leave him."

I reach the doors just as Aleksander pulls me roughly against his chest. "Don't ever fucking do that again."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"You're trying to get yourself killed, I'll talk to you how I like."

I realise that he's only raising his voice because he's worried that I'll get hurt. That he'll lose me. If I wasn't determined to save Mika, I would've melted right onto his arms.

"I'm not going to die." I reassure, leaning into kiss him. I hope he takes the bait.

He does, he kisses me back. I almost feel guilty but I remind myself that I'm not a terrible person. It's like he's starved by the way he devours my lips. I slowly pull away, hopeful that he's distracted enough. I detach myself from him, increasing my speed towards the door.

Once open, I'm met with a sight I wish I had never seen.

Angel and his Mafia DonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin