Muffins☁️👶(Sapnap, Dream & Quackity)

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I need therapy honestly
Caregiver dream and Quackity
Little space sapnap (mainly because i can't find anymore little sap>:(/lh) (and i want to cause pain lol)

"Scoop" the blonde said scooping the smaller giggler boy in his arms. The black haired boy hugged his neck. "Hey baby you miss me" he nodded, as the blonde put him down "fuck I'm out of shape" he said panting. Sap blinked at him before muttering "language" and going to grab something somewhere. Dream chuckled as sap came back with a small dragon plush.

"Dad got this for me, he said it reminded him of me" he said, dream nodded putting an arm around the boy and leading him to the kitchen, makeing sure not to trip on any of the mounds of stuff on the floor. "How about we bake something" sapnap nodded running off again, this time to the kitchen, where he frantically looked through some drawers before pulling out a small piece of paper.

Dream looked at it smiling, "a muffin recipe, are you sure we have the stuff?" The smaller boy nodded and dream smiled taking off his mask and setting it on the counter. "Okay baby, imma need you to help me tho," he chuckled "my neatherian isn't that good" sap nodded grabbing the paper. He grabbed the stuff from the fridge, setting it on the counter. "Otay so we have to put everything into a bowl, it's very simple" the boy said, a small bit of raspyness is his voice. It was his neatherian accent showing thru.

"Oh okay, the bowls are up here right" dream said pointing to a cabinet above him. Sap noded and the blonde grabbed a clear plastic bowl from inside. He sat it on the counter, Sap opened the chocolate chips and coco powder pouring it in. Dream went and got a rubber spatula to stir with. Sap had already put the rest of the ingredients in. Dream handed him the spatula and he started to stir the mixture. Dream stood watching him, making sure he didn't make a mess. Sapnap scooted him over the bowl when he was done mixing, Dream bent down and grabbed a pan. Pouring it in and handed the spatula to the little.

Sap let out a small growl sucking his tounge out to eat the chocolate Bater. Dream put the bowl into the already full sink. "Hey kiddo do you wanna help me do the dishes while the muffins bake" sapnap nodded sitting on the counter next to the sink. "Okay" Dream separated the plates and bowls and turned on the sink. Rinsing some plates and putting them into the dishwasher. Sap was finished and put his spatula in the silverware pile getting down of the counter and in the other side near the dishwasher.

"Im gonna hand them to you okay sweetie" Sapnap let out a small hum, that was laced with a small growl. Dream hand the boy a plate and he put it away, they repeated this process until all the dishes were in there. Dream bent down and grabbed a dish tab from under the sink, putting bit in and closing the door. Sapnap pressed star and dream patted him on the head "anything else you wanna do" sapnap nodded and stuck his arms out. Dream sighed with a chuckle, he picked the boy up "hey, how old are you baby?"

The little held up 4 fingers before going down to 3 then 2 and then back to 4. Dream chuckled carrying the boy into the living room where he sat him on the couch, "okay how about you watch a show and I'll go get some stuff real quick. The dragon boy nodded grabbing the remote. He turned on the tv, that 70s show was on and he sat there watching it, slipping his thumb into his mouth. Dream came back in with a blanket, his dragon plush and a binkie. "You droped your dragon on the floor" he said anfing it to the boy. As well as the binkie, which the boy took slipping it into his mouth. Dream wrapped the blanket around him.

"I'm gonna tidy some stuff around your house, can you stay here and watch this, I'm gonna be right behind you okay" sap nodded already barely paying attention to him. Their was a knock on the door. "Sap, can you get the door bud?" Sapnap nodded getting up from the couch, leaving his biki there heading to the front door, he opened it seeing the man standing there with a slightly disheveled look. The boy smiled pulling him in.

"Quackity" the man smiled closing the door behind him "Hey Buddy" he took his shoes putting them next to dreams and saps on the floor. "Who's here?" Sapnap looked at him smiling "dream, ooh, come come" he started pulling h to the kitchen past dream who was separating the trash on the floor "where making muffins" he pointed to the oven, "their chocolate with chocolate chips. My dad used to make em for me" dreams mask laid on the counter, the crack down the side noticeable. Sapnap pulled him back into the living room and on to the couch, the boy lifted up and showed him the stuffed dragon "my dad got it for me-" he rambled on and on about his dad and the food he used to make the dragon.

Dream flopped on the other side of the dragon, cutting off his words "ya okay dream" dream stuck up a this up, his face still in the pat his head. " Anyways, one time we made muffins for my teacher cause I had a test i didn't study for. School ended early so i didn't have to take it." Sap said looking over at dream, "you don't seem okay," he poked his head "are you sure your okay?" Dream let out a hum looking up "yep I'm okay" he said turning around, his legs tangling off the side of the couch. He looked at the screen "who's your favorite character bud?"

Sapnap smiled looking at the screen, his hands flapping a bit. "Either fez Donna or Hyde. There so funny and i really like them, out of the main also is my least favorite. I also like the old Lori the one they replaced her with doesn't have the same vibe ya know, also what happened to Donna's sister, she was in the first few episodes but disappeared and never talked about again, i wonder why?" Sap was fidgeting with his hands Alot as he spoke " i wish i could see the show for the first time, it was funny, it's how I learned English actually, lien yes my dad and auntie helped with the words, but the show helped me with pronounceing the words."

Quackity tucked his legs under him as he rested his arm on the said of the couch, a small smile on his face. "Also that 90 show is good, it sucks the actor for Hyde was arrested for doing bad things I really wanted him to be in it" the dragon boy stuck his younger out a bit, his English sounding a bit more raspy and his S's getting longer. "I like kitty to, her character changes throughout the show to become more sassy and carefree, like lori but not a whore." The boy rocked back and forth a smile on his face.

I'm definitely gonna do a part 2 lol

Word count (1255)

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