Addicted ☁️(Skephalo)

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It's an unhealthy addiction at this point-
Size difference
Tw. (Yes fluff with tw)
Name carving
(I need help)

Bad layed in the field waiting for skeppy, They would always come here together god he loved him. He looked up at the sky, it was blue with barely any clouds. Soon he heard someone behind him he looked at the direction it came from. Skeppy held onto a thing of flowers, they were blue and red roses, bad smiled at him skeppy smilling back "s'geppy" the diamond boy smiled again. "Heya bad" and sat up turning to face skeppy who sat Infront of him. "I got you some flowers" he put them into bars lap smiling "thank you" skeppy looked up at the demon who looked down at him, the softest expiration on his face. Skeppy smirked grabbing on to his shirt collar and pulling him down into a kiss. Bad leaned into it puting his hands onto the smallest sides, picking him up.

Skeppy put his hands onto bads face wimpering into the kiss a bit. He sat on his lap hearing a whine come out of the bigger one. Skeppy broke the kiss Skeppy smirking "good boy" bad wagged his tail. As skeppy smilled up at his tall demon boyfriend. "I love you" he said kissing him again, the demon Wimpering as the small one played with the demons long hair. He pulled away smiling "can i braid your hair?" The demon nodded and Skeppy stood up on the demons knee so he could reach his scalp, where he began to separate his hair so he could braid it, "do you thing your hair can handle those tight braids?" He asked the demon shore his head "no, it you wanna do that you can ask sap, his hair is thick enough for it" skeppy smiled grabbing a small section "nah I'll just give you a tiny braid give ya that asymmetrical look." Bad smiled chuckling a bit as the smaller began to braid, once he was done he tied it off with a rubber band he had in his pocket. He sat back down in the dmeons lap.

"There ya go" the demon touched it pulling it to the front of his face "i like it thank you s'geppy" skeppy kissed him again this time making it more heated. Bad wimpered again when skeppy brought his hands to the demons face again. Skeppy broek the kiss look at the man "your so pretty" he sad petting the demons head. Bad whinned, he really liked it when the small one complemented him, hell he liked it when he insulted him. He just liked, him. It was like an unhealthy addiction, one tagt you couldn't shake,  no matter how hard you tried. He felt like he needed the smaller one to survive, as if without his attention he'd die. Skeppy smiled at the demon who at this point had been puppy dog stareing at him. "why ya stareing?" "Pretty-" bad said  continuing to stare at him, skeppy chuckled at him giving his lips a little peck "well i gotta go-"

"No" bad said grabbing his sides, a little hard skeppy whinced bad immediately let go "sorry-" skeppy smiled at him "it's okay, but why don't you want me to leave?" Bad whinned looking down at him "i just don't" skeepy sighed "okay i can stay a bit longer" he gave another quick peck to his lips before sitting in his lap. Bad smiled, skeppy didn't seem to understand how far bad should go for him, how far he had gone for him. "S'geppy-" bad said earning a "mhm" from skeppy "can i ask you to do something, that's a little. Drastic." Skeppy nodded hesitantly "sure bad, what do you need?"  Bad lifted skeppy off of him and took off his shirt, revealing, his pretty ripped body. He had three marks on him, one was a little blue diamond on one of his ribs, another was a purple dragon wing. Lastly he had a bright white scare going across stomach, it was like a burn scare but white. Bad grabbed a knife from his pocket handing it to Skeppy, it looked like a sword in his small hands "I- bad what do you want me to do?" Bad looked off in the distance getting a bit embarrassed before pointing at a spot on his stomach "can you put, y-your name write there?" Skeppy looked at him the knife almost falling out of his hands "What?" Bad pointed at it again.

"Can you carve your name right there" skeppy didn't speak and just stared at him, distraught "bad won't that hurt?" Bad nodded, "yes but that's what I'm counting on" skeppy felt sick to his stomach, the thought of making bad bleed both brought him great pleasure and pain. "Bad i don't think i can-" bad looked down at him his eyes pleading him to. Skeppy sighed putting the knife up to his pitch black skin. He punctured the skin, enough so that blood came out and it would scare. The blood that came out was a sparkling silver color. Skeppy felt so werid but when he looked up at and who was smiling down at him he continued. Getting thru the s and the k with barley any noise from the taller one.

"You aren't gonna lose to much blood are you?" Bad shook his head, his breath a little shaky "no, I'm okay" bad whinned as skeppy finished the e. Skeppy getting sick to his stomach started the y's. Skeppys brain got so fuzzy as he foucused mor ein not throwing up then the carving. By the time he was done bad breath was so shaky aht he couldn't get a full breath in his body. Skeppy looked up at him as he looked down and smiled at him "thank you" he said picking him up and giving his head a quick peck. Skeppy felt sick, but for some reason, Bads enjoyment, made it barrable. He smiled back at him.

Bad put him down and pulled out se Bandages from his pocket wrapping his torso with it. "Are you okay s'geppy, you look like your gonna be sick. I'll be okay i promise" the silver liquid was bleeding thru the bandage. Bad put his shirt back on. Skeppy feeling less sick after it was hidden "I'll be okay bad, but i gotta go. Talk to you when I get done" skeppy said smiling and waveing at him as he walked off. Bad sighed smiling and waving back. "Bye" bad layed back down looking back up at the sky, he grabbed the roses skeppy got him, smiling at the colors.

Word count (1125)

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