Dirt and sand 1/? (skephalo and Jefhalo)

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Little skeppy and gbh caregiver jef and bbh

Skeppy and bad looked around the world it looked different, it looked off. Skeppy wasn't handling it that well, the stress of his normal life and the fact he didn't know where he was was causing him to slowly slip bad looked at him he had began chewing on his sweater sleeve. Bad sighed and picked him up, he held the smaller boy in his arms as he soon began chewing on Bads bandana. They had been walking around the world for awhile not finding an source of others until they heard voices coming from a distance.

"JEEEF, I WAANT DIIIRT" one of them whinned you could hear and audible groan "good, you have a shovel get it your self" you could now see them, Jef apparently looked like skeppy but his outfit was more of a reddish orange then skeppys cyan. The whinny one was all white expect his black eyes and gold halo that flooded above his horns, looking exactly like Bads halo. Skeppy giggled at him as bad got closer. "I want you to get it for Meeee" the taller angel sat on the ground with a pout."why won't you get it fo me Jef" bad looked at the smaller one who gave up and sighed picking up a dirt block and giving it to the angel "ya happy good?" The angel nodded putting it in his inventory "we go home now" he stood up before glancing real quick at bad Jef looked over to with a sigh he waved "who you?" Jef pat his side "I'm bad this is skeppy" bad pulled skeppy away from his bandana so they could see him good growled and rolled his eyes sitting back down Jef chuckled and held his hand out for bad to shake which he did "I'm Jef, him over there is good, nice to meet you" Jef rubbed his neck"your not from around here are ya?" Bad shook his head "i don't tbink so, can we stay with you for a bit" good had started playing with the dirt that Jef got for him. Jef sat down and bad sat next to him, skeppy whinned lifting his head "can you get Mee saaand bad" bad groaned "no skeppy,i don't even know where we can get it her-" skeppy whinned hitting him in the arm "plleeeeease"  Skeppy whined "Jef got good dirttt"  bad let out a slight growl "Jef do you have any" Jef pulled out a stack of sand handing it to bad "thank you, here ya go s'geppy" skeppy smiled taking the one peice of sand bad had given to him and played with it, bad put him down so he wouldn't get it all over him.

Bad smiled as skeppy giggled at the sand Jef chuckled a him. "Y'all are like me and good, but like, opposite" bad looked at Jef, he was right, they were like invested version of themselves it was kinda cute. Seeing the other 'him' be Happy playing with dirt. Jef looked dup at the sky, the moon turning a bright red and Jefs eyes widened a bi5  "we gotta go to outle house, y'all should come, HEY GOOD COME ON PICK THAT UP WE GOTTA GO" Good litsened and put the dirt into his inventory and stood up. Bad tapping skeppy who frowned and put his plans away. Bad picked up skeppy as Jef told Jef to pick him up. "Okay, so do you know what the red moon means bad?" Jef asked the demon, who shook his head. The white haired boy sighed "it's like" he paused trying to find the right words but failing "revival spell" good chimmed in, earning a pat on the head from Jef. "Good explained it, Soo we gotta go because the people that died" Jef chuckled a bit "don't really like us, and definitely won't like you" demon let out a small hum to notify that he heard but didn't want to cause skeppy to freak out. Skeppy seemed to be really dlfar into the little headspace.

Good and Jef had led them to a small farm that sat on a mountain, at the top there was a big house. Good walked up the makeshift rock stairs and sat Jef down once they were at the top. Bad still hugged skeppy. Jef opened the door for the other three and walked in behind them. There was a big black couch with white pillows. On it was a white haired red eyed boy who looked up from his 3ds and back down, staying silent. "Down a half on the left is a room yall can use. Also this is our son pandas" he said gestereing to the boy on the sofa. The boy rolled his eyes "Jef, your not my dad" Jef rolled his eyes in return "yeah yeah whatever, ya want dinner it'll be ready in an hour" panda nodded it looking up from his ds. Skeppy chuckled as bad walked down the hall "i like em"  bad chuckled at the boys cuteness "ya do dontcha baby" once they got into the room bad sat him down kissing his forehead. "Do you wanna go to sleep now, or later" skeppy smiled at him "later, but i wanna cuddle now" skeppy made grabby hands at the taller demon.

The angel sat on the counter watching the human cook "watcha making baba?" Jef looked at him and back down at the pot "some soup baby"  Jef stirred the soup and looked back up at the little. "It'll be ready soon, darling" the angel kicked his feet watching as the human cooked the wonderful meal. "Can I get apple juice" Jef nodded and the angel got off the counter and grabbed a cup from the cabinet and went to the fridge to get juice. He brought it to the cup and filled it up putting the now empty bottle in the trash can. He picked up his drink and sipped on it as he continued to watch Jef cook.

He was standing over his shoulder the shorter human looked up and smiled at him "ya like watching me cook baby" good nodded "mhm" Jef chuckled and continued cooking. Once eit was almost doesn't Jef asked him "can you go get bowls for everyone" which good did, he got out 5 bowls for the 5 that would be eating.  And sat them by the pot, "

I plan on having like 2 or 3 parts of this.

Word count (1094)

Mcyt one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora