thirty - two

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Aaliyah Brielle Na'Jai Harper
Los Angeles, CA
Two days later

Aaliyah Brielle Na'Jai Harper22Los Angeles, CA———Two days later

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"Chris you were supposed to be here almost two hours ago." I frowned, sitting at the dinner table alone. "Where even are you?" I asked him, placing a fifty dollar bill on the table, grabbing my purse and keys.

"Fuck Li, Uh- Im at this game with a couple friends." He dragged making me scrunch up my face.

What fucking friends.

"Baby what?" I asked. "What friends?" I asked him. "Actually that doesn't even matter, you knew I was coming home tonight, I told you yesterday." I said walking toward the exit of the building. "Your the one who planned this thing."

"I know- wait give me a second, I know... just let me make it up to you, later or something." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Just forget it Chris, when are you going to be home- beep."

I know this nigga did not just hang up on me.

I tried to call his back but it automatically when to voicemail and I know for a fact this negro didn't turn his damn phone off.

I got into my car, the he got me for my birthday,getting ready to go home.

The crazy thing about all of this is that I didn't even have time to drop my things off at home before heading here.

Chris told me that the reservations were for 8pm and my plane was scheduled to leave at 2pm. I literally got off the plane at 7:30 giving me about 30 minutes to change at the airport before rushing here.

And the fact that I've been waiting for him for almost 2 hours now is fucking crazy.

Instead of being real with me and telling me oh I'm gonna be late or oh let's just put us another time you're gonna have me wait for two hours.

Just so you could sit up somewhere and watch some basketball game.

What the actual fuck.

To Chris ❤️ : That's your ass when you get home.

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