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I published a chapter of "If Sophie wasn't oblivious... 🏳️‍🌈" if you guys wanna check it out. Also. This is a very sad chapter, so yeah. I'm sorry. This just happened. I hope you guys don't cry, but you'll most likely cry. ALSO TYSM FOR 1k READS ~ Nat

Also, shout out to my Wattpad besties (if you accept my friendship)

@apps8394 (ur_worst_nightmare), for your stories, and comments

@moonlarklovesokeefe (Linn ♡), for supporting this story from start

@Helpless-Pockets16 (Helpless-Pockets16), who's sad stories make me cry, and give my characters happy ending (often)

@KeefeFoster4life (Salt_The_Fandog), who's comments kept me writing this chapter today

Thank you guys so much!!! <33333

Tam POV:

We figured out why Keefe passed out. He inflicted tiredness on himself, and the rest of us didn't get affected because Biana and I were too far away for his weak inflicting, and Sophie doesn't feel that stuff, kinda like how grusom-daj does nothing to her.

After we woke him up, we all went back in, and decided that he had enough training for one day. Edaline gave us some sugarknots, and then we went up to Sophie's room. 

We played a human board game called Monopoly. By the time we finished 3 hours later, I owned all of the buildings, Keefe had the most money, Biana was bankrupt, and Sophie was almost bankrupt.

"Let's play basequest. My legs are gonna fall asleep if we sit anymore" I said. Biana, who wore a dress, asked Sophie for a tunic. 

Sophie, Keefe and I went downstairs, and picked the boundaries. From the gate to the gnomes' homes. Biana came down wearing a grey tunic and red leggings, and we started deciding teams. 

"Girls vs boys" Biana said. 

"No if we do that, Keefe and Tam may kill each other." Sophie argued.

"I wanna be with Foster" Keefe said.

"No I wanna" Biana protested.

"What about me?" I asked.

"I love you, but Sophie is the better option for basequest." Biana said. 

"Which is why I should be with Foster, and you can be with Bangs Boy" Keefe said.

"Why do I have to be with either of you?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah. I think Sophie and I should go together, and you to in the other team." I agreed. And then before they could debate further, Sophie and I ran to the Gorgodon enclosure. 

"THIS OUR BASE. YOU GUYS QUEST FIRST" Sophie yelled. And that started our game. Sophie found Keefe, and I found Biana. We won three more games, and then we had to go back home.

We decided to meet up again tomorrow, and then leaped back. 

When I woke up the next day, Linh was outside my door.

"Are going to see Sophie, Keefe and Biana again?" She asked.

"Yeah. We're gonna traing Keefe's abilities." I said.

"I barely get any time with you nowadays." Linh said sadly. 

"Then how about you come with me?" I suggested.

"Ok. Let's go!" she said.

We leaped to Havenfield, and that's when things got worse. Much much worse. And it was my fault. 

I solidified next to Calla's tree, just like Linh. She was a little pale, but I assumed that was just from staying indoors for a long time. 

Biana ran over and strangle-hugged Linh. 


"What my girlfriend means is that she misses you" I said, mocking Biana. Then I realised. Girlfriend. That's the first time I called her my girlfriend. I blushed at the realisation. Biana playfully punched me, letting go of Linh.

That's when I first noticed it. Linh swayed a little, like she was about to faint. And I caught her in the nick of time. I set her down, and made her swallow a Panakes blossom I found near us. She took a few deep breaths, and sat up. 

She was even paler now, and I was concerned. 

"What happened?" I asked softly, holding her close. 

"Just a headache. I've been getting them for a few days, but it'll pass" She said, panting from just saying that. Just then, Sophie and Keefe came over to us. 

They were laughing, but stopped as soon as they saw Linh. They rushed over, and Biana explained the situation. I wasn't paying attention. I only had eyes and ears for Linh.

"We have to get you to the Healing Center" I said. I carried her, and Biana stood on my left. Sophie and Keefe linked arms with me as well, and we leaped to the Healing Center using Biana's emergency crystal.

When we reached, I looked at Linh. She was transparent, and almost fully faded, even though we had pooled our consciousness.

Sophie and Keefe ran to get Elwin, and I just sat there helpless, my sister passed out and almost faded, and my girlfriend, trying to console me. 

Elwin arrived a few minutes later, with vials of Fade Fuel, but Linh was too faded to swallow. Sophie sprayed some of her Limbium-free Fade Fuel mist, but it was too late. 

Linh was awake, but close to death. And the tears started flowing. 

"Don't cry Tammy. I'll always be with you. Please don't cry." She said weakly. She gather my tears, and molded them into a bird. She let it fly around me and her, and then brought it to a rest on her hand. 

"How can I not? Linh, y-y-you're dying" I said, my voice cracking. Linh let the bird fly again, but before it landed again, it changed forms, and splashed onto the floor. And Linh's eyes, my twin's eyes, closed for the last time, and her body disappeared. 

I hunched over, the tears falling out uncontrollably. I didn't acknowledge my friends hugging me. I collapsed over my sister's final resting place. I knew deep down, that I lost a big part of myself.

And I knew it would never heal. Just like I would never truly stop crying. And all I would have of my twin would be a Wanderling. Till the day I died. 

I'm sorry guys. Even I was crying while writing this. Why Linh? WHY??? 😭 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  The next chapter won't be this emotional (i think), but you should still grab some tissues or smth. I killed Linh Hai Song, and I understand if you guys are mad ~ Nat

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