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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading this. 90+ reads!!! I know that compared to other books, it's a little lower, but it's huge for me. Thank you so much! 🥳 ~ Nat

Biana POV: 

I'm not sure what went through my mind in that moment, but all I know is that I'm so grateful for that. One moment, I was at the window with my hands full of liquid, dry shadows, and the next I was feeding them to Tam, like Fitz did with Sophie when she faded after getting kidnapped, way back when. 

And then, after a few more handfuls, Tam's eyes fluttered open again.

I was so happy, I would've kissed him, but I settled for a hug. Even so Tam blushed, his cheeks looking so pink that he looked sunburnt. He hugged me back, and I let go.

Tam POV:

Elwin insisted on checking me again, even though I fine. More than fine. I mean, after all, I woke up to Biana hugging me...

She smelt nice, almost like vanilla and roses- wait, why was I thinking about this stuff. She's just a friend, besides, why, why, why would she like me back? After all, I'm a twin, a Shade, an ex-neverseen member/hostage, and she's a VACKER. 

Elwin also managed to figure out why I fainted- when I enhanced the shadows, I also sent my own shadowvapor. Shades need certain level of shadowvapor in their system to function properly, so by sending my shadowvapor, I basically dehydrated myself. 

"Hey Tam, would you mind checking the shadows? I was able to hold them in my hand, and feed them to you, so I don't think they're normal." said a delicate voice. It belong to the person I was trying to avoid looking at. Not because I was mad at her, but because I wanted to extinguish those feelings. I

 mean, I'm Tam, the kid with a dark past, a dark ability, a dark personality, dark humor, dark style, and Biana is like the opposite of all those things, so why do I love her- "Tam?" said the voice again, dragging me out of my daze.

"Yeah, sure thing Biana." I got up, and felt the shadows, and I realised that those were not normal shadows at all...

I will leave you with that cliffhanger. Muahahaha. Just kidding <3 Im publishing the next chapter already. I'll see you there!

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