
398 6 4

Biana POV:

Tam was trying to summon shadowflux from Keefe, but what if there was no shadowflux in Keefe? What if there were only normal shadows or shadowvapor? And what if they were so spread out that Tam couldn't feel anything? I also remember a time when Tam enhanced all the shadows, so if he did that, wouldn't he be able to feel the shadows better? I asked him about that, and I think he was a bit skeptical, but he said he'd give it a try anyway. 

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1"I counted, and on 1 Sophie and Tam grabbed each other's hands. Tam's eyes became darker, and made him look like he was related to Sophie, and then, almost instantly the lightened again.

When his eyes became lighter, all the shadows in the room grew twice as long and wide, and became an opaque black colour, almost as if they were now solid. Tam's eyes flickered open, and then he fell back onto me. I'm not sure what was scarier, but I definitely screamed. Loudly. 

Tam was surprisingly light, but I'm pretty sure that I'm stronger from battle training. I lifted him using telekinesis and laid him down on a bed. Elwin slipped on his glasses and started flashing lights around Tam. After about a minute, I gave up waiting and walked to the cabinet near Keefe, who was now completed covered with black. 

I tried to run my hand through the shadows, and surprisingly I was able to. It felt kinda liquidy. But I was no longer able to see my hand because of all the darkness. I cupped my hand to see if I could hold the shadows, and I lifted my hand out of the darkness. And in the middle of my hand, was a pool of blackness.

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