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I had to cut a pair of jeans into shorts. Why? Because I'm tall, and all the shorts and way too short when I wear them. #tallpeopleproblems amirite? Anyway, please vote! ~ Nat

Biana POV:

I watched Tam glitter away and then I opened the door. I didn't see my family anywhere surprisingly, but when I went to my room, I saw Fitz. Not angry, not teasing, just a kinda disgusted Fitz. I was confused because my brother is either angry, or teases me. 

"Next time, pick a hill that doesn't happen to be in front of my room's window. Seriously. I know you guys like each other, but I don't need to see my sister making out with one of my friends." he said. Oh. I completely forgot that Fitz's room was right behind us. 

"Don't tell mom and dad. Where are they anyway?" I asked.

"They had to go to a human city again. You know, Emissary work" he answered, looking at the bracelet Tam gave me. "I'm going to bed now, and you should too. We have to check back in with Sophie. We also have to continue on with our tasks." And with that, he left me alone with my embarrassment. 

I changed and brushed my hair. I fell asleep as soon as I my head touched my pillow. I didn't realise making out was that tiring. I dreamt of a future with Tam, without the Neverseen, where Dex finally admitted his crush on Linh, Sophie and Keefe became a thing, and Fitz and Marella got together. [Yes, those are the people I ship]

Tam POV:

I woke up kinda early, and I got bored waiting for everyone else to wake up, so I replayed yesterday in my head.

"Seems like you had a fun night yesterday" said a voice at the door. A few moments later, Tiergan sat on my bed with me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, super confused, cause I didn't really share many details about my date.

"Two reasons. One- I've never seen anyone look so lovestruck apart from when Keefe looks at Sophie, and two- you're subconsciously manipulating the shadows to show your memories. I've never seen [neverseen lol] someone shadow-projecting so clearly. Lady Zillah did it once, and I could only see blobs. But I can see every thing as though I'm standing there" he said, pointing to the shadows near the curtains.

He gave me a side hug and left my room. I'm not sure what was more surprising- my shadow-projecting or him hugging me. He doesn't even hug Wylie.

A few hours later, Wylie and I leaped to Havenfield. Silveny and her family were still there, so Linh had gone a bit early to cuddle with the twins. I called her inside, and we started discussing all of our progress. Fitz and Linh hadn't found anything, Stina, Marella and Sophie were all still going through Lord Cassius's memories, but he was busy so they were going to continue today. Dex and Wylie had talked to Oralie about opening caches, so now they had to start looking.

Sophie's mood seemed to drastically drop, since Keefe was still asleep and none of us had made any real progress. 

"HEY GUYS, LUNCH IS READY!" Edaline called from down. We all started to leave, one by one, but Sophie told me and Biana to stay.

"What's up Soph?" Biana asked.

"Something's going on between the two of you. Spill" she demanded.

"Alright Lady Fos-boss. Tam and I" Biana started.

"Are dating" I finished. Sophie did a little victory dance, and smiled for probably the first time all day.

"FINALLY! GOD where you guys oblivious."

"Hark who's talking" I said smirking.

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, blushing violently.

Biana started ,"Sophie and Keefe, sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love"- 

- "When are you guys gonna tell everyone?" Sophie interrupted.

"When your boyfriend recovers" I said. Sophie looked at me weirdly, as if I spoke in a different language.

"Keefe. He means Keefe" Biana clarified. We hurried down and started eating. After lunch, we broke into our different groups and Fitz, Linh, Biana and I leaped to the library. Biana and I went to the same table as last time, where our books were, and started reading. Biana kept her head on my lap like last time, and we started reading.

We were just a few pages before the end of the book when Biana got a hail.

"Guys come quick" said a frantic Sophie.

Don't be mad. I'm gonna write the next chapter soon. 

1. What's your favourite colour?

2. What's your favourite TV show?

3. Who's your favourite band and your favourite singer?

Be back soon ~ Nat

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