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I'm writing this in the middle of class (well, part of it). Don't forget about the art contest. You can use any media! Im excited to see ur art ~ Nat

Biana POV:

We all woke up at noon, because of Keefe. I mean, I get that manifesting an ability is tiring, or could be scary, but screaming like boobrie- that's unacceptable.

"SHUT UP!" Tam yelled. 

"Looks like someone's cranky" I teased.

"Yeah. I mean we were up till 4 am last night" he said, with a hint of annoyance.

"So. Did I manifest any new abilities?" Keefe asked. He looked genuinely curious. 

"Yeah you did. You manifested two new abilities" Sophie said. 

"What are they?" Keefe asked.

"Shade and Inflictor. When Foxfire restarts, you're gonna be in Sophie's Inflicting lessons with Bronte, and Tam's Shade lessons with Lady Zillah" I said. 

"I'M A SHADE?!?!?! NO!!! WHY!!!" Keefe wailed.

"Drama queen" Sophie said.

"Foster that hurts. I'm gonna need some E.L.Fudges to recover" Keefe said, faking sadness.

"You're ridiculous" Sophie said with fake exasperation.

"That's why you love me" Keefe said. Sophie blushed and punched him lightly.

Tam and I left after a while, agreeing to come back after freshening up.

Tam POV:

I leaped home to Solreef, an updated Tiergan, Linh and Wylie about Keefe's new abilities, and my role in his training.

I hurriedly ate my lunch, and changed into my "Happy Shadow Thoughts" tunic, because Keefe might need a laugh. I can't believe I'm voluntarily letting Keefe laugh at me. 

I leaped to Havenfield, and crashed into Keefe. We both got thrown to the ground because of the impact. I rubbed my head, and sat up. I was also laughing, since Keefe let out a really high pitched squeal when we crashed. 

"Dude. That was awesome. Who knew you screamed like that!" I said. I feel like karma hit me, quite literally though, as Biana leaped onto me moments later, pushing my face down into the grass. I managed to roll though, so I didn't get hurt again.

After Keefe and Sophie stopped laughing, we walked over to the beach area of Havenfield, before the gate. We decided to do Shade stuff first, and I chose the location on purpose. There were no shadows next to us (apart from our shadows), but I wanted to teach Keefe to stretch shadows, and change their shapes. 

"I want you to try merging all of our shadows together like this" I said, stretching and combining our shadows. I let them return to normal, then let Keefe try. 

"I picture tying a string to the tips of the shadows, and then pull them however" I added when Keefe didn't do anything.

A few moments later, our shadows started moving, and merged. Then Keefe let them go. 

"Not bad, but try doing it faster next time. when you can do it with having to tie a string, we'll move on to the next thing" I said. Keefe tried it 7 more times before he could move it quicker, and on command. 

"I bet I'm a stronger Shade than you" he said smirking, as though challenging me.

"You wish" I said. And to prove it, I encased us in a sphere of shadows in one fluid motion. To further prove my point, I also lifted us about a foot in the air, and then dropped us, moving all the shadows below us and making us bounce.

"Woah. It's like a shadow trampoline!" Sophie said. 

"What's a trampoline?" Biana asked, voicing my question.

"It's a human toy I think. It gives them the ability to jump really high, and almost float. But only when they're on top of it" Keefe answered. 

"It's not magic. It's just a plastic circle, with springs, and elevation" Sophie said laughing. She transmitted an image to us. Humans are weird.

"Elves don't have them?" Sophie asked.

"No. We would we need one? We can levitate" I said. I sent the shadows away, back to the places I took them from.

"Ok. What's next?" Keefe asked.

"I want you to try and bring the shadow from Calla's tree over to us" I said. 

I thought it was a fairly simple task. But nope. Somehow Keefe managed to- to- I'm not sure. I think he inflicted on himself??? All I know is he got the shadow half way to us, then a second later, him had a pained expression on his face, and fell back. Sophie sent him some of her mental energy, and he woke up again.

And he asked the question we all wanted the answer to- What happened?

That's all for today guys. I'm suffering from extremely benign creative slowdown. In other words, I have slight writer's block. But on the other hand, I'm also gonna start a new story. Yes. That technically contradicts. But I need inspiration for this story, whereas I have an idea for the other. The new story will be on this profile, and it's called "If Sophie wasn't oblivious 🏳️‍🌈". It's a Sobiana fanfic, and i'm super confused as to how I thought of it. Another reminder about the art contest ~ Nat

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