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My hand is all better know, so time for the next Spanish lesson! I'm gonna teach you how to count to 20. 1 – uno (ooh-no), 2 – dos (dhoh-s), 3 – tres (th-reh-s), 4 – cuatro (quah-th-ro), 5 – cinco (see-n-coh), 6 – seis (say-is), 7 – siete (see-eh-theh), 8 – ocho (oh-cho), 9 – nueve (noo-eh-veh), 10 – diez (dhih-es), 11 - once (ohn-seh), 12 - doce (dhoh-seh), 13 - trece (threh-seh), 14 - catorce (cah-thor-seh), 15 - quince (key-n-seh), 16 - dieciséis (dhi-es-ih-seh-is), 17 - diecisiete (dhi-es-ih-see-eh-theh), 18 - dieciocho (dhi-es-ih-oh-cho), 19 - diecinueve (dhi-es-ih-noo-eh-veh), 20 - viente (vay-in-theh). I am gonna try to make this a long one. Let's see how it goes ~ Nat

Biana POV:

"Hey Edaline" I said, approaching the kitchen. I was able to smell the candypuffs the moment I set foot into the house, and my stomach was rumbling. 

"Hi Biana! Would you like to try a candypuff? I just made them!" she said. Edaline always has so much energy, and a lot of treats, so I love going to Havenfield. 

"Definetely! What's the occasion?" I asked, seeing all the different dishes that were sprawled across the counter. There were many bright coloured gnomish plants, and desserts that were stacked high. 

"Keefe's getting discharged, so we're throwing him a welcome back home party. He's going to be living with us while Lord Cassius is at Marintrylla. He's part of the Black Swan's efforts to negotiate treaties with them." I grabbed a candypuff from the plate that Edaline was holding. 

"He is? They didn't tell us. Tam and I are actually heading to the Healing Center after he gets a few scrolls from Grady" I said. I'm not sure what's more surprising- Grady letting Keefe stay here, or Keefe actually willing to stay here. I'm surprised he hasn't runaway again. [Yes. I have read Stellarlune. And yes. I want a book 10.

"Oh. I actually can't say I'm surprised thouhg. Would you guys like to come to dinner? Your parents and brother are also welcome to join, if you could ask them for me. For now, it's going to be Grady, me, Sophie, Keefe, the bodyguards, Magnate Leto, the Council, so I think Sophie and Keefe would appreciate you guys being here. The Council wants to know if Lady Gisela changed anything about Keefe's genetics" Edaline said. 

"Of course we'll come to dinner. I'm sure my family will also come."

A/N: If ur wondering what happened to Woltzer, Grizel, Sandor, Flori, Bo, Ro, and Lovise, and why they weren't there at the sleepover, and daily life, then good observation. Woltzer and Grizel have sewn extra strong trackers in everyone's clothes, and Sandor is at Havenfield guarding the alicorns all the time. Flori stays with Sophie, but keeps a low profile, and Bo stays at Choralmere or at Linh's side. He keeps his distance, and only emerges when there is a threat. Lovise is at Rimeshire at all times, since Tam knew that Juline is Squall. Ro is positioned behind the curtain of Keefe's cot, so she is close to her charge, but keeps a low profile. Everyone pretends not to have bodyguards, in order to attempt to lure out the Neverseen, who have been silent since Loamnore.

Tam POV:

"So, how long have you and Biana been together? And don't try denying it" Grady deadpanned. 

"About three days. Maybe four at this point" I replied. "How did you know?"

"I saw the bracelet, and Biana is pretty much my daughter, so father's intuition. I think it's cool that you guys are finally together. I could tell you've both liked each other for a while now. Don't break her heart, and you'll be fine" Grady said. He said that with a very grim face, and I felt kinda nervous, but then he started laughing. 

"These are all the scrolls that you and Keefe can read, and these are the ones only Sophie and Biana can read. It's classified. Happy reading! Now let's get downstairs" Grady handed me two piles of scroll, one significantly bigger than the other. 

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