Chapter 53 - Souls & Spirits

Start from the beginning

"I agree, it is only because of the people we have lost, that we have managed to come this far. I would not be here without any of them, or you." Aveyon responded.

Lahk spoke up. "We may be the three fates, but you my dear, you are all our hopes."

Aveyon shook her head. "No, we all are, together, we will take back the world from Ashera. We will save it and purify it."

With that being said, Aveyon had one last task to complete before her new plan could be put into motion. A few people gasped as she stepped into the waters. The fates stopped anyone who tried to reach for her.

"Come now, she is restarting the cycle," Atro explained.

"The cycle?" An elf asked.

"The cycle of rebirth, the babies will no longer be stillborn," Lahk added.

Vincent's eyes widened and she felt a spark of fear from him.

Do not fear, I will not be returning to the waters with my mother on this day. She told him through their bond.

Aveyon smiled at him before turning her attention to the corpse in her hands. She very gently laid her mother into the waters, her body dissolving into nothing as the faint glow of her beautiful face reflected in the mucky water. "Be reborn into a better life, live and flourish well."

Next, she unhitched and drew her dagger. 

Vincent felt his heart stop. 

She slid the dagger down her arms allowing her silver blood to spill into the pool. 

"NO!" He pushed past the fates and jumped into the water, he cradled her in his arms and clapped his hands over her bleeding forearms.

"This brings back memories." Aveyon laughed.

"Don't be an idiot! I won't let you!" He pleaded.

"You once said you understood, but I am glad that you would try to stop me. It fills me with a warmth I never knew I needed." She started, leaning into him. She gently pulled his hands away from her wrists. "But Vincent, I am different now, I can truly say that I love you. I would not leave you, not now. Not like that."

Her blood dropped into the water. "Now watch, it may be my life force, yes, but it is also the source of great power. This realm, I am a part of it, and it me. I will not perish. For the rivers to run once more, the power must be returned to the waters. I am but a medium in this case."

"You don't have enough blood to fill the entire river." His voice was shaky.

"That is why I will change the river to something else." She informed. It had been her goal from the start. Making it into something small and manageable. Something that could be moved later once Alarious fell.

As the silver blood pooled into the water it formed rings upon rings that rippled on the surface. Small firefly-sized lights started forming on the surface of the water, slowly they grew in size. Once formed they disconnected themselves from the water and floated high into the sky before disappearing completely from sight.

"What in the world...?" Vincent was shocked and yet he was mesmerized.

"Souls, I'm letting them return to the cycle of life, allowing them to be reborn. Ashera corrupted the waters using my father, so they stopped flowing and dried up much like the land. Now they will flow once more."

The small pool of water slowly transformed. The water itself seemed to be purified by her blood, it changed from a mucky brown to sparkling clear. He felt the ground beneath him shift as she closed her eyes to concentrate on her work. Marbled stones emerged to form a ring around the small pool and its remaining water. From the centre rose a marbled statue of a woman holding a pale of water, she looked to be tipping it into the waters below. Water erupted from the new marbled structure and ran down the front splashing over them.

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