Chapter 35 - Strange Feelings

Start from the beginning

Vincent was trying and failing to defend himself from the towel onslaught, as he was battered out of the room and down the hall.

Hurriedly getting dressed Aveyon threw on her leathers and rushed out of the room, following them. "Any news from Kirra?" She asked the elf.

"No, but Mistress Erisena knows better than I." The elf took another swing at Vincent slapping him in the face with the material, an anguished look which intensified spread over her face. "Though I do believe..." She took another swing at Vincent. "She is due back to the city..." and yet again she swung the towel. "Any day now."

Vincent caught the towel as it came down about to collide with his face for the fourth time. "You're that eager to move forward?" He inquired.

Aveyon nodded. It was frustrating to have their hands tired when they had the means to progress. Though, she couldn't deny she would need the elves, so all she could do was continue her training in the meantime. Kirra had left two days ago and was still on her journey, gathering the elders and councils of all the clans. The council saw it fit to hide away and not stay in the city like the rest of the elves. The elves wouldn't normally dare act without the approval of the elders. But since Aveyon was seen as of higher standing than them, it had caused some issues between the clans. Kirra was trying to sort it out by gathering and bringing them all to the city now that it was a safe haven.

They headed for the underground training area to continue working for the rest of the day, much to the elf attendant's dismay. Entering the enchanted underground cavern, Damon sat waiting for them to arrive, Erisena by his side.

"How'd she do?" The elf questioned.

"Small scratch on the left hip, but great reflexes, and I probably would have died if I'm honest." Vincent responded making a pained expression.

"Was it necessary to attack her in the baths though?" Damon questioned jumping to his feet.

Damon and Vincent were her opponents for her session today. Aveyon started stretching out her muscles. "Damon how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Quiet good Princess, I am training with Erisena now in my spare time to better resist Ashera. I believe I will be of more use to you in the third realm."

She nodded, Damon had become quite isolated, they had long offered him his freedom, but he denied, choosing to stay and aid her. She found it hard to reject the damaged demon, he was struggling to find purpose and clung to the group. She had just accepted it, accepted him. At this point she may even call him a... friend. She frowned, what was wrong with her? Feelings and emotions that she had locked away surfacing of late had her mildly confused.

"Begin!" Erisena called snapping her out of her own thoughts.

Vincent lunged first, coming at her at fun speed. Her eyes could barely follow him as his form flashed from one space to the next. Speed she had once been envious of, something she had always wanted to learn, and now she had.

Her fighting style was different from the boys. They often used their legs and fists as weapons, while Aveyon, being of smaller statue, used her speed to her advantage. Using her spirit abilities was more difficult in the thick of battle, as her concentration was split into three ways. Moving her body, protecting her mind from Erisena and channeling essence, building it up and storing it for an attack.

Damon's prime elements were fire and water, Vincent could use all but spirit remarkably well. But Aveyon, though she excelled in spirit, could wield all elements equally. Erisena put it down to the blood of the gods that ran through her veins.

Twisting out of the way of Vincent's attack, Damon was next, he breathed fire at her. She had anticipated this, his red hue around his eyes giving him away. Throwing her hand out toward the lake she imbued her stored essence with the water. Using her hands as a medium to control the flow of the blue liquid she drew a circle with the palm of her hand in front of her, where her palm traced a purple glow remained. She'd find through her training that the colour of her essence was a soft lavender hue. The water she summoned flew to her defense spiraling in front of her like a shield. The fire collided with the water and diminished in strength before fizzling out completely.

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