"Denial," I stated. "It's sad but true. Alice even told me you were a virgin." I laughed in his face causing him to scowled at me. I smirked, "Let me guess she told you she was a virgin?" He turned his face. "Don't worry at least you were the first Slytherin to let her ride you."

Draco's eyes turned a blazed. "How DARE you speak of her that way? I was Alice's first kiss, first love and first time so don't try and lie to me."

I kept a calm expression. He deserves it, I repeated in my head. "Fine, give me a test," I smirked at his angry expression. "Anything that you think will prove her 'innocence'."

"Alright," he began after a moment. "Show me the letters."

My face paled. "What?"

"You heard me filth! Show me the damned letters," he sneered.

I glared at him then smirked. "That's not what you were calling me last night." He glared at me and I laughed, "Don't feel bad Alice won't care if you have sex with someone else. Her and Harry Potter always fucked around in the Gryffindor common room."

Draco jumped up and roughly pulled me to him. "Listen here girl, Alice loved me not Potter and unless you can bring me those letters with her hand writing than be gone."

I shrugged. "Fine, meet me at the cemetry in one hour. I'll stop by at Beauxton and retrieve them for you but don't say I didn't warn you." 

And with that I apparated to Snape's house leaving him with a worried expression on his face. I smirked evily when I landed in the house. Draco Malfoy loved me there's no point in denying it any longer but one good deed can not out weigh all the sins he has commited. Landing in my room, I sat down on the chair and pulled out a few pieces of parchment paper. I needed to think of a fake name. One with edge. Something cute but not too girly. I smiled when I thought of the perfect one.

Dipping my quill into the ink, I wrote him three letters. All of them with different time periods and different things to write about. All of them proving my little lie about loving him. 

Standing up, I placed them in my bag after drying them and hopped in the shower. After changing and feeling fresh, I hopped downstairs and into the kitchen. I was happy. Or atleast that's what I convinced myself. I needed to break his heart. I needed him to feel what I felt. And if he loves me then it's even better. I'll crush his heart like he did to me. I ran into the kitchen but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Snape sitting down, glaring at me.

"Where were you last night?"

I shrugged, "Drinking, sleeping around, you know the usual."

Snape's eyes widened, "Alice, I shall not tolerate this behavior from you."

"Alright, sorry next time I'll send you an owl or something. Please forgive me, Sev?" I pouted adorably.

He sighed, "Fine but aside from your reckless behavior I have news from last night's the meeting." My ears perked up as I ate drank some coffee." The dark lord knows that a woman in black was seen leaving the ministry with Yaxley. As of now you are on his most wanted list. So I advice you to be careful."

I nodded feeling a bit flattered. "Aww old Voldie find's me a threat." Snape glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "Alright, I'll be careful. Now I must be on my way."

"Where-" he cut himself off. He knows I hate being questioned. "Remember you have to be at the Burrow this afternoon for your first training session." I nodded and made a mental note before dissaparting. 


I was looking around the grave yard and I sighed. Draco Malfoy was no where in sight. I sat down impatiently. Now I have to wait for him. I got comfortable on the bench and pulled out a book to read. Then I realized that it was something the old Alice would do. I'm the new and improved Alice. I threw the book back in my bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Honestly, I detested these things but they helped with my bad girl image. 

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