"Tsk," You took that step back further under the roof. "Don't act so familiar with me." You sized him from head to toe.

"I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't fancy me all that much?" His head barely tilted into his shoulder. "How come?"

"I've dealt with your type many times before, Miya-san, and to be quite frank, I find it rather insulting how lightly you all seem to take me."

He gave half a shrug. "Can you blame me? You said you wouldn't fall for a basic setup, and yet you still fell hook, line, and sinker. Am I good or what?"

"I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong, wouldn't we. The only reason I 'fell'," you air quoted, "for your filthy trap, was because my work was involved."

"The 'how' isn't important. All that matters is the where and when. As a matter of fact, I think I can get Yasukazu to drop you off near my place so we can--"

"Miya-san, please hurry. I think it's starting to rain even harder now. We should be going on our way now."

"So, how's about it? You coming with?"

Your eyes slid over to the soaked pavement as you exhaled. "Fine."

"After you," Atsumu gestured a hand towards the van, "M'lady." He held the umbrella out ahead of you and watched you walked out under. You climbed into the already opened van's back seat and scooted to the opposite end while Atsumu closed the door.

You fixed your gaze on the tinted windows. "Thank you," you said to Goda.

"No problem. Where do you live?"

After sharing your address with him, he checked his mirrors and slowly pulled off. During the ride, you remained silent in your slim box of space. Cruising past shops with the lights still cut on, and streetlights lighting up pedestrian's way.

You enjoyed being shrouded in the calming silence the van took on. Be that as it may, you couldn't shake off the one uncomfortable feeling. Like a fresh prey being feasted on by the famished eyes of a beast. A beast who, once properly focused on, could be seen casually positioned up against the window's sill.

Atsumu had his knuckles knelt into his temple, stilled like a jackal ready to pounce on the gazelle before him. 'His type is definitely the most annoying to deal with.'

When the car slowed down in front of your building, you thanked Goda once again and take a step out on the pavement. You had your bag already overhead, ready to book the small distance.

"I'll walk her to the door really fast, Yasu." Atsumu snatched up the large umbrella and went to meet you on your side with quicked steps.

"Have a good night, (l/n)-san," Goda smiled.

"Yes, you as well." Your eyes flicked up to the tall male to note his small smile. Without a single word, you walked off, forcing him to trek close behind.

"About our date, (Y/n)," You stopped and turned back to him. "Do you mind if I choose the time and place?"

"I don't care." You told him.

He snickered, shoving his hand into his pocket. "I don't dislike you playing this hard to get, (Y/n). It'll only satisfy me more when I finally get you to submit to me entirely."

"Uh-huh..." You cupped your mouth as it stretched to the long yawn forcing its way out. "Have a good night, Miya-san." You flicked a dissmisive hand at the overconfident male as you turned your back on him and pulled on one of the two large glass doors.

"Sleep tight," His eyes nor his feet left until your entire body could no longer be seen at the closing of those elevator doors.

First thing in the morning, you attended a meeting in regards to roping in yet another model to join alongside Miya Atsumu to promote the newest line for the brand. This time you were looking for a female model to mirror the women's line alongside Atsumu for the men's.

Rᴇᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛɪᴏɴ || O.Tᴏᴏʀᴜ // M. AᴛsᴜᴍᴜOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant