Chapter 19 - Part 2

Start from the beginning

We hear a sigh come from Jae-sung, and I lean back to look at Jimin. His gaze goes to Jae-sung, worry etched around his eyes. Within seconds, his face relaxes. I turn my head to take in Anaïse and Jae-sung. They also look relieved, but I can't bring myself to look at my hand yet.

"No infection, little sister..." Jae-sung whispers, relief evident. "I think they wrapped it too tight, and with everything you've been doing today, it just swelled more than expected, but it was enough to hamper the blood flow. How does it feel?"

"It feels like my heart is sitting in my hand, beating. And it feels really stiff and sore."

"Can you wiggle your fingers?"

I can only grimace when I try. Everything hurts to move and I say as much.

"I'm not surprised. Your hand was in a stationary position for a full day. They're meant to move and flex all the time. I think we'll cover these spots up, just in case you flex a little too quickly and some of them split open, but we won't wrap it like before. You need to be working on flexing carefully. Anaïse, can you see if there's some antibiotic cream and small gauze squares and tape in the kit?" Jae-sung asks, still looking at my hand, moving it this way and that.

Anaïse comes back with several items, handing it off to Jae-sung then hunkering down next to him to help as he covers the more severe cuts with the cream then securing the protective gauze over. When finished, my hand looks like a patchwork quilt, but I feel relief as I stretch out the stiffness found in my fingers, gingerly flexing in minute increments. I'm sure it will be a while before I have full mobility again, but I'm glad I can use them.

"Thank you, for everything," I say to all three, looking at each in turn, ending with Jimin, who I kiss with all my heart.

"Annnnnddddd on that note," Jae-sung says behind me, "I'm out. Anaïse, tell me what's left on your list to do..." I hear as they walk back to the island, but I pay them no mind as I'm lost in my husband.

"What do you have left to go through?" Jimin asks as he places his forehead to mine.

"I think it's just the guest bedroom and bathroom. Oh, and the front closet."

"Okay, let's go and check everything out." He motions for me to get up, then follows as I stop in the kitchen for a bottle of water.

"Hey, Jae-sung oppa, I need to go in your room to figure out what's going with to Seoul. Do you mind if we go in there for a few minutes?" I ask out of courtesy. He looks up at me, confusion showing.

"It's your home, little sister, why are you asking me?"

"Because you're staying in there, so while we're here, it's your personal space. I want to make sure you're alright with us going in there..." I respond as if it makes all the sense in the world.

"Oh, well it's fine with me." He shrugs, a smile on his face as he goes back to what he was doing before I interrupted him.

I shake my head, moving in that direction. Looking around the space, I decide everything on the shelves needs to be boxed up. I turn to Jimin.

"Would it bother you if I bring all of this? I know it may seem weird to have all of this at your place, but I really do feel sentimental about it. Each thing represents something to me, especially with all the hard times I've been through." He gazes at all the albums and figurines sitting there, showing the changes in how the group has progressed and changed through the years. "This is where I spend most of my time when I work from home, and it's my comfort zone so it made the most sense to keep everything in here."

He comes up to me and puts his arms around my waist, holding me close as he says, "We usually get to have some of our own merchandise when it comes out. I admit, it might feel weird to have this much at our place, but it's still yours, and I don't want you to feel like you need to get rid of it for any reason. I still plan on you having a space that you call your own, so whatever you want to put in there, it's fine by me."

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