Chapter 11

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After a quick refreshing shower, we're sitting in the conference room with Mr. Lee and the other members, enjoying a hearty breakfast and coffee. There are no other staff with us this time, which I'm thankful for. It's less drama that I'm not in the mood for. It's been a few really long days, with a ton of roller coaster emotions and activity, and after the emotionally draining call with my parents I just want to have a few moments of quiet, uninterrupted time with the people I'm starting to view as family.

It's a different perspective actually sitting at the table with all the guys in this room. I pause in bringing a bite of food to my mouth, watching the interactions of the members with each other and Mr. Lee. There's a certain light-hearted feeling between them, as if the weight of the events leading up to the concert are finally leaving their shoulders, but I now feel an underlying sadness permeating the tone of the conversation but can't pinpoint what it is exactly.

There's a nudge at my arm by Jimin's elbow. I find him watching me, so I smile and bring the bite of food to my mouth, slowly chewing it as I continue to watch and listen to the bantering around the table. Setting my chopsticks down, I wipe my mouth with a napkin and lean back in my chair, finding my appetite slowly being replaced by a feeling I haven't felt in a long time. It's mostly peace, yet part of it is a small feeling of melancholy thrown into the mix. I discover I enjoy observing the men in this room, trying to figure out what makes them tick.

"...what do you think about that plan, NaeYeong?"

I blink rapidly as my eyes flick to Mr. Lee, then touch on each member sitting around me.

"I'm sorry? What did you say?"

"Are you alright, Nae?" Jimin asks me, worry in his voice as his fingers find mine. I smile at him again, then rub my forehead with my free hand.

"I think so. I guess I got lost in thought watching all of you. It's been so busy the past few days, so much has happened, but there's a feeling of sadness here and I don't know why, and I suppose it's bothering me a bit...I don't know...maybe I'm just overly emotional coming down from everything," I squint as I say that as if trying to focus on something in the distance.

I see everyone looking at each other, surprise etched on their faces. Most gazes land on either Namjoon or Jin, and I see the look they exchange.

"Is it post-concert blues? Or something else?" I wonder out loud. I rub my forehead again then move to my temples as if trying to relieve a headache. I slowly get to my feet. "I think I need to move or go lay down. Or something... I'm sorry, I need to go. Please excuse me."

I move swiftly to leave the room, but Jimin reaches me before I make it to the door. Stopping me with a hand on my shoulder, then enveloping me in his embrace from behind. I drop my head in defeat about my emotions, feeling the tears escape and flow down my cheeks, dropping from my chin to his bare arms. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, feathering little kisses to the spot in comfort. I grip his arms to me as my shoulders shake in silent sobs. He just holds me to his chest.

I suddenly pull his arms from me, loosening his grip enough so he lifts his head, and I turn to wrap my arms around his waist as his settle back around me, holding me as the sobs start again, no longer silent. Suddenly I feel a press of bodies surrounding us, the presence of all the members comforting like my own brothers. My eyes are pressed closed, the tears flowing, but I feel the peace of familial love flowing through and I sigh.

Soon the tears are slowing, and I start to hiccup. Lifting my head from Jimin's chest, I look at him.

"Is there a large, private room that could be accessed in this hotel where I could dance for a bit?" I whisper. "I need to express this sorrow somehow or else I'm going to get overwhelmed again."

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