Untitled Part 34

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We finished the patrol. I went to change out of my patrol clothes. Paddy followed. I was in the middle of changing when Paddy held me in his arms. He started kissing me.

"I missed you." I smiled. "Is that why you woke up early?"

"Yes I am so used to you being beside me. I just could not sleep anymore." He kissed me very passionately. It made him breathless.

"Kissing me like that might get you in trouble."

"Oh! What kind of trouble could I get into?" He looked into my eyes. "Oh that kind of trouble." He smiled. Needless to say it took me a long time to change my clothes.

The mixed bloods registry started off with wanting to know who the parents were and what they were and when the mixed blood was born.

Paddy and I were the first ones with Cassie and Quinn then Angela with Samuel and his father Roger. Wilbert stood there and watched his entire family being registered.

When Jules and Katey brought Benjamin in to be registered. Many of the vampires' bloodlust flared with Katey being nearby. They did not understand why they suddenly craved her blood. When they found out she was a millennialist and was otherwise human. They understood.

Jules and Katey were also registered. Having a werewolf for a husband and a son. It needed to be documented. Katey did not know if there was a registry for her kind.

As tradition goes a newly registered vampires have an assignment given to them. We voted to do the same with the werewolves and the mixed bloods.

All of them were given the same assignment. Go out and find a werewolf and/or a mixed blood to be registered. They could bring as many as they liked as long as they brought one before the next gathering.

Everyone agreed. We had a huge celebration after everyone was registered.

Katey and Mikalia brought out a lot of food for everyone. While the food eating people ate. Mikalia and Wilbert were talking quietly in the corner. He took her hand in his and kissed it. They walked together to the Council's platform.

"Excuse me Council members."'

"Yes Mikalia, Wilbert. Is there something we can do for you?"

"Si Senor Councilman I brought a gift for you." She pointed to the crate in the center of the square. "You must come and open it."

"A gift, Mikalia, for us."

"Si Senor. Please come." Mikalia turned towards the crate.

"Wait." Shaun stopped them. "We will bring it to them Mikalia."

"All right Senor Shaun."

Shaun, Paddy, Cory and Quinn picked it up and brought it on to the Council's platform. "Ah much better Senor. Now everyone will be able to see."

"Thank you Mikalia. Wilbert." The Council bowed to them.

Paddy came and stood beside me. I inhaled his aroma then I held my breathe again. Paddy looked at me. He signed, 'that bad still.' I signed back, 'Worse.' He shook his head.

The Council just pried the lid with their fingers and pulled down one side of the crate. There were smaller crates inside.

Councilman Carlos took out and opened it for everyone to see. It was a crate of bottled chilled blood.

"May we share it with everyone Mikalia? I know it must have taken you a long time to do this?"

"Si Senor. I would be honoured if you wish to share it with the rest of the vampires."

"Thank you again Mikalia, Wilbert."

Katey ran off with some of her assistants to bring some glasses back for the Council.

"Thank you Katey." Councilman Carlos said. He uncorked a bottle and took a sniff. His eyes went blood red.

"It smells heavenly, Mikalia." He poured everyone on the Council a glassful.

"Senor, I would be honoured if you would let me serve the rest to the vampires while you sit and enjoy your glass." Mikalia asked.

Quinn and Cassie came up to us. "Mama, Papa. May we try the chilled blood?"

"It is up to you but it is chilled human blood Cassie?" Paddy told her.

"Chilled human blood? I did not know that. Never mind."

"I will pass too." Quinn also never had a taste for human blood either.

Athos and Julian came to join us. "Are you not trying the chilled blood Uncle Athos, Uncle Julian?" Cassie asked.

"No, I have been away from human blood too long to try it." Athos told Cassie.

"Same here." Julian nodded.

When Mikalia was finished giving everyone a glass of the blood. She walked over to us with two bottles with a white waxed seal on them.

"I remembered when you were at my house Kylie. You could not drink the human blood without becoming ill. I made sure I brought some chilled animal blood for you."

"Ah! Mikalia that was so kind of you but you did not have to go through all that trouble." She handed me one of the bottles. She uncorked the one in her hand. She then poured us each a glass.

I sipped mine.

"Thank you Mikalia. It is very refreshing."

"Good," she smiled, "we enjoy the chilled blood once in a while just for a change."

"You must tell us how you do this Mikalia. It would be good to have some on hand when people come to visit." I told her.

"Yes, I will before we leave."

Mikalia went back to Wilbert and they sipped their chilled blood.

I was still holding my breathe.

Councilman Klaus stood up on the platform. "Thank you again Wilbert and Mikalia for a delightful treat." He nodded to them. "Now for the next order of business." We all looked at each other thinking we were done.

"You all looked surprised. I guess you thought we were done." I think he read my mind. Councilman Klaus laughed. "And no I just did not read your minds. I just read the look on your faces."

"With the new registries comes representation. At the next gathering we will have to vote for some new Council members. Five for the werewolves and five for the mixed bloods. Anyone in these groups wishing to become Council members. Please feel free to come and see us. We will be happy to talk to you."

A low buzz started in the crowd.

"Now you all have something to think about until the next time we meet." All the Council stood up. "This concludes the gathering. Good bye until the next time."

They bowed to the crowd and left the platform.

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