I DO !

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         It is a horrible thing for a king to do evil. His right to rule depends upon his fairness
                                                                                                                                              Proverbs 16:12


It's been five years since David proposed to me,

But we didn't get married because we decided to finish our studies frist,

We've been chating with each other on watsapp and snapchat,

I miss him so much,and can't wait to get home,


We've been making preparations for the weeding,

And all seems to be in place,

I can't belive I'm getting married tomorrow,

I knelt down at my bed side and talked to the one who knows my heart..

Dear heavenly father,

The begining and the end,

The accient of days,

The I am, that I am,

I ask for grace, to be a good daughter, a good wife, and a good mother,

I pray that you help me to be the best wife anyone could have,

David as worked so hard, to reach were he is now,

I pray that you help me to become, you want me to be,

Let yor plan and purpose for my life be fuilfiled,

In Jesus name I pray, Amen


                                                                                                                                 ¬¬¬¬¬¬" "  "  " " " " ¬¬¬¬¬¬

Father in the name of Jesus,

Dear God, I thank you for helping me find a beautiful,

creative, loving,

intellent, peaceful,

and amazing person like faith,

Thank you for bringing her into my life,

and filling it with bliss,

Thank you for how far we have gone in our relationship,

And now we are about to take a big step,

I pray that you guide ous through,

Help ous fulfil our roles to the best of our ability,

and so I pray, that as we are united tomorrow, let no man separate ous,



Do you accept her as your lovenly weeded wife,

Yes I do, I said as I stared down at her

Do you accept him as your lovenly weeded husband,

Yes I do, Faith said

I now pronounce you husband and wife..

You may now, kiss your bride

I started down at her,and gave her a peck on her forehead.


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