This is called a Bible.

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   Only the good can give good advice. Rebels can't.

                                                                                                                                                                        Proverbs 15:7

                                                                                                                                        . : . : .: .: .: . : .: .: .: .:


I stoped at her house and asked..

Fidelity, can I ...

I would like to go to church..

And then she gave me the cutest smie..

Really.. she asked

Yeah.. I guess

And then she pulled out a book from her bag..

I've seen her read this book so many times before..

This is called a bible..

God is the authour of this book..

By ministering to different people this book was writen..

And it is the word of God that can clence our minds..

And help ous turn a new leaf.. she said

Here.. she handed the book to me and told me to read it every morning and night..

she came down from the car and waved...

Bye.. she said and she walked into her house ...

And I drove home...

I looked at the book in my hands and opened..

And on top  was written JOHN.

I looked down and read..

" For God  loved the world so much that he gave his only son so that anyone who belives in him shall not perish but have enternal life"

God gave his son to ous..

Why.. I asked myself

I need to talk to fidelity..

                                                                                                                    . . . . . . . .' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. . . . . . . .

I woke up early this morning, because I'm taken David to church today..

I knel at my bed side and pray..

Father, you have lead David this far,

I pray that he gets to know you, more and more..

And that he can even be converted today..

I know that you love him and so I ask that you take care of him..

And let him serve you till the end..

In Jesus name I pray, amen.

I  already told my parents about David..

And told them that I would be going to church with him..

So I put my book in my bag and put my bible in my bag..

Since I gave David the one I was using I got another one..

I walk down the stairs and waved my family goodbye..

And start my walk to David's house..

And soon I got there..

I knocked at the door and David's mum opened it



Which cloth should I wear I wondered lookin at all the clothes on my bed...

I read a scripture in the bible that says..

Our body is the temple of God..

And I needed to start dressing properly for God  and myself..

And most of all I'm going to God's house today, and I need to look my best..

I  went in to change my clothes after finally picking one..

DAVID, YOUR FRIEND'S HERE.. my mum yelled from the living room..

Just in time.. I said to myself and picked up the bible fidelity gave me.

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                             So, what do you think....

                              Hope you guys love it...

                              Keep reading...

                              God bless & Jesus loves you..

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