Getting ice cream

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            The part of the godly leads to life. So why fear death?
                                                                                                                                                                      proverbs 12:28


I walked into my mum's room and saw her all dressed......

Morning Mum... I greeted

Good morning my dear..... she said

why the long face, what's wrong......

It's nothing my dear.....

Just then my dad walks in.....

I know a way to cheer you up... He says

How... I ask

Let's go out for ice cream....

Yeah! ....... I shout 

My dad picks my mum up like a bride and exists the room...

My Dad loves my mum sooooo much....

when we found out that she has cancer......

My Dad almost stoped living.....

But we decided to stay strong for her....

I would do anything for her to have a couple more years.....

Or better still....

For her to live....

We headed towards the car.....

My Dad helped her into the front seat.....

while I seat at the back....

It's not like she can't walk.....

He just loves to help....


We just finished devotion .....

And my mum is about to make breakfast...

why the long face..... Dad asks

Fidelity ate the last chocolate bar...... Jake said

Is that so..... He asked

yeah.... Daniel said

Well let's lighting up the mood then, shall we..... He said

Let's go out for ice cream........

yeah.... we all shout

we head up stairs to change into a more suitable outfit....

And head towards the car.....


We walk into the resturant.....

And head towards the table big enough to contain all of ous......

l'll take chocolate..... I said

I'll take strawberry..... Jake said

l'll take mango.... Mickhel said

l'll take valina.... Daniel said

l'll take blueberry..... Dad said

And l'll take pinapple... Mom said

As the waiter takes our order...

Just then I spoted David.....


I here his voice.....

Then I realise that He's refering to David

But, the one for what...... I asked

Then our order arrived......


We entered the Ice cream store then placed our order.....

l'll take chocolate..... I said

pinapple for me...Dad said

l'll take mango...Mum said

Then a little while later,our order arrives......

And we eat in silince....

She's here....


Why is she staring at me.....

I look away so she dosen't notice that l saw her.....

We soon finish our ice cream and it's time to leave......

I stand up and head towards the door and someone bumps into me.......

I push the person .....

And the person falls  backward....

I look down to see, the christain girl.....

She looks up at me .......

Then a boy came and helped her up....

And I Just walked away...


                                                  Hope you guys loved this chapter......
                                                  pls comment & vote....
                                                  God bless you....
                                                   Jesus loves you.....


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