Do You Have Faith

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              Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honoured.

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Tyler I think it's time for you to go.. I said, attempting to push him away..

Wait... he says

Oh, I see..

Your enjoying it.. he says

Tyler you need to leave, Now.. I said almost yelling

Don't you want your money.. he asks

What do you mean.. Faith asks

Nothing.. I said

It's a bet..

What.. she said

You fell for him..

And so he won!

Faith, looked at me eye widened

I saw a tear fall from her eyes..

And at that moment, my heart broke..

And then she started running..

Away from me..

What's wrong.. Tyler asks

Without answering, I ran after her...

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I ran out of there, and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks

I heard foot steps running after me..

But I didn't care...

I just kept running and running as more tears rolled down..

I thought he had changed..

But he accepted christ..

NO, he couldn't do it..

Maybe before, but not now..

I'm sure of  it..

I saw a man, running at my direction..

I stopped to look at david..

But saw a moving van..

And a man holding a pointing a gun toward the man that was heading towards me..

And he shot...

The man douged the bullet and it was heading stright towards me..

I closed my eyes, as I waited for it's impact..

But it never came..

And then, I heard a body fall to the floor..

I opened my eyes, and saw David on the floor..

Then I screamed..

I knelt down beside him and placed his head on my lap as blood spilled from his chest..

David, why did you do it..

What is wrong with you.. I shouted at him

I.. don't know, he said his voice breaking

And then he smiled..

Thank you for leading me to christ.. He said

Don't you dare.. I warned

You can't  Just enter my life and me...

I'm.. sorry..  he said

I'II call an ambulance.. I said as I dialling the number

I tell them the situation and were we here and hang up

Faith.. I .. want know.. that.. your the .. best .. thing that.. has..ever happened.. to me.. he said

Same... I said

David.. I called out

Do you have faith, do you belive.. I ask

Yes, I do.. he said

With that, his eyes closed and the ambulance arrived...

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