Why Did He Die.

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       For God So loved the world,that he gave his only begotten son,that whosoever beliveth in him shall not perish, but have an everlasting life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         John 3: 16

Today were going to be looking at the topic,

Why did he die.

Now, I know many of you of course know the reason..

But,were going to be exploring deeper...

To really understan it better..

Now, we all have hope of going to heaven when we repent of our sins, right?

When we are sick or our loved ones are felling unwell, we can pray for them, and if your faith is enough to carry it,they get well..

When we feel burdened we can lay it all at his feet...

And belive in him to turn the situation around..

Now, all that wouldn't be happening if Jesus never died..

We only have hope of heaven, because we repent..

We and our loved ones can be healed because In his name...

Because he died..

We can talk to him, one on one, and lay our burdens at his feet...

And do you know why,

Because he died for ous..

Because he loves ous..

He was hanged on the cross,

He was wiped thrity six times, so we will have a right over sickness..

So we can rebuke it and it will leave...

The greatest sacrifice, that a man would give his life for another..

And Jesus did it..

The greatest sacrifice..

When he lived among ous in the flesh..

When he became poor because of ous..

So that we might be rich..

When he was hanged on the cross to save ous from our sins..

And when he rose from the dead for our Justification..

So I want to tell you haven't given your life to the God who loves you so much then your only missing out..

Missing out on God..

His love..

His guidance..

Some may tell you that being a christian is boring...

Well, the bible says in Proverbs 14:14

" The backslider gets bored with himself; the godly man's life  is exciting ".

So now if you want to give your life to him..

If you belive that Jesus died on the cross of calvary, and rose up on the third day..

I would like you to raise your right hand and repeat after me..

Tears start to roll down my  face, as I repeat every word he says..

Heavenly father, I humbly and sincerly come before you.

I am a sinner: I repent of all my shortcomings.

Have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins.

Write my name in the book of life and make me fit for your kingdom.

In Jesus name Amen..

Everyone cheered as the teacher went back to his seat..

I wiped the tears off my face and saw fidelity looking at me..

I'm proud of you..

And I know God is too.. She said


                                        Hope you guys loved it..

                                        And it's true there's no sin that he won't forgive you for..

                                        There's no sin too big that he can't forgive or forget..

                                        I want you to know that there is someone you loves you,more than you can ever imagine..

                                        Someone who cares for you so much...

                                        The bible says in Isaiah 46:3-4

                                       " Listen to me, all Isreal who are left; I have created you and cared for you since you were born.

                                        I will be your God through all your life time, yes, even when your hair is white with age.

                                        I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and be your saviour ".

                                        God isn't just talking to the Isreslites, but to every on around the world..
                                        He loves you and will keep doing so..

                                       Why don't you accept him in your life today..


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