Get a girlfriend.

3 1 0

               Don't praise yourslf; let others do it!
                                                                                                                                                                       proverbs 23:2
David, were is she. my mum ask......

Mum I haven't found one yet.......

My mum keeps telling me to get a girlfriend....

I've  never introduced any of my girlfriends to my mum.....

Or should I say EX-girlfriends......

I didn't because I knew they won't last......

l'm a playboy remember....

I change girlfriends more than I do clothes...

But I better get one fast.....

My mum's dying and I know this is her last wish.....

The doctor said she has just about one year left to live.....

I love my mum so much and would do anything for her...

But who...

who can I make my girlfriend that won't date me for my money.....

Or my good looks....

Then I remembered the bet...

I have to make the christain girl mine...

I wake up this beautiful saturday morning felling refreshed......

I kneel at my bed side and thank God for the day.....

For my sleep......

And pray that the day will be wounderful....
I pick up my bible and  countinued  from were I stoped......

After reading about one chapter of proverbs, I close my bible and pray....

I go to the bathroom, brush, bath, and comb my hair.....

And I come out felling positve about the day....

I tiptoe all the way downstairs, and find the last chocolate in the frige....

l'm I lucky or what...

Just then my  younger brother Jake, snatches the chocolate bar from me.....

Hey... I said

I took it frist...

sorry sister,

You know what they say, you snouze you lose.....

Give me back my chocolate bar.....

Nope... he says

Then my elder brother sneaks up on jack and snatches it away from him.....

Hey.. He said

Then Mickhel gives it back to me.....

you should know better than to snatch what's not yours.....

But brother your suppose to be on my side...

No fair, Jake complained

Mickhel is the wisest amongest ous four and the smarest too....

Morning people... my secound elder brother Daniel, said

Morning....we all reply in sync

Morning.... My mum & dad said as the came down the stairs.

And we all greet...

This is me & my little family...

The only people that I release myself to....

The only people l'm free talking too...

I don't have any friends....

Just me, God, and this aborable family of mine....


I wake up this beautiful saturday morning felling terrible......

I  think I slept on the on the wrong side of the bed...

If you know what I mean....

I get out of bed & head to the bathroom.....



I  leave my messy hair the way it is.....

I head downstairs & find a half eaten chocolate in the frezzer....

Dad , I yell...

I know he must have eaten it...

I march to his office and finds him there....

Dad, I know you ate my chocolate...

Isn't it obvious.... He said

Dad.... I wine

It's just one, haven't you heard sharing is caring... He said

But dad.....

Leave my office your disturbing me... he said jockingly

But I decide to play along....

As l turn to leave, he said

Here have this one.... he said

Then I go and hug him...

Thank you so much Dad.... I said as I left his office.

My dad is a lot of fun...

His the best...

Especially now that my mum's not doing well...

He works from home, to make sure she's alright....

Even when there's a nurse to take care of her....

This is my family....

And nothing can change that....

Not even some stupid girlfriend....


                                  Hope you liked this chapter......    
                                  feel free to comment & pls vote....
                                  lots of love......
                                   God bless &
                                                   Jesus loves you!

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