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Izuku POV:
It was just after lunch on a Saturday when Mr. Aizawa knocked on my door. I open it. Aizawa is standing with Eri on his side and Kota on his other side.
"Problem child." Sensei greeted me with a nod. "Can you watch Eri and Kota for me? I have a meeting and Mirio is out patrolling." Mr. Aizawa asks. I smile.
"Sure! I'll watch them." I say in return as I look down to them.
"Great, be good kids." Mr. Aizawa says and walks to the stairs leaving the 2 in my care.
"Alright what do you 2 wanna do?" I ask and Eri lights up.
"Can we go have lunch?" Eri asks. I smile.
"Have you not eaten yet?" I ask.
"No, the man was too busy." Kota grumbled and rolled his eyes.
"Alright!" I say as I close the door to my room. Eri grabs one of my hands. "What do you guys want for lunch?" I ask as I start walking. Kota grabs onto my other hand and we walk towards the elevator.
"Can I have Kastudon?" Eri asks.
"Sure! I'll have Kacchan make it for you." I respond and Eri smiles. We get into the elevator and Kota presses the button.
"Curry." Kota says.
"We had curry for lunch so if there's some left can you have that?" I ask and Kota gives a nod. The doors open to the elevator and we step out.
I look into the common room. Kacchan is playing games against Kirishima and Kaminari, winning. While Tsu, Ochoco and Shoto play go fish. Mina and Sero cheering on both games. "Kacchan?" I ask. He hums in response. "Can you make food for Eri~Chan?" I ask while walking towards the couch. Kota let's go of my hand but Eri holds onto my arm. Kacchan looks over once both Kirishima and Kaminari lost to him. He looks down at Eri and I swear he shows the littlest bit of a smile.
"Sure c'mon pipsqueak you can help." Kacchan says while standing up and stretching.
"Yay!" Eri throws her firsts up and runs over to Kacchan. She jumps on him and he catches her moving her to his back.
"Thanks, can you also throw some leftover Curry in the microwave for Kota?" I ask as I replace Kacchan on the couch Kota next to me.
"Yeah." Kacchan replied again now him and Eri going into the kitchen. Kaminari had changed the TV to some kid movie, Izuku knew Kota and Eri liked from past experiences. Kota's eyes lit up. I chuckle.
"Good?" I ask. Kota nods and stares at the TV. It's silent so I look up. All of the other teens had there mouths  agape staring at him. "Something wrong?" I ask and Kota snuggles into my side. I put a shoulder around him.
Uraraka is the first to speak up "S-sorry Deku~kun." She gives me a small smile and I smile back before pulling up my phone and going on it. I swear I hear a phone camera go off but it was probably nothing.
20 minutes later Kacchan and Eri walk into the room Eri holding a bowl of Kastudon in one hand and an apple in the other. Kacchan carrying a bowl of Curry with both hands. Eri spots the TV and jumps onto the couch, on the other side of me. Kacchan gives Kota the Curry, Kota just ushers him out of the way so he could see the TV in return. Kacchan rolls his eyes and plops onto the couch next to him crossing his arms.
I put away my phone as Eri snuggles into me and I throw my arm around her too. Kota grabs a chopstick full of Curry and shoves it in his mouth. I swear I can hear more cameras taking photos but a song that Eri and Kota like to pelt comes on and they start singing at the top of their lungs. I just chuckle smile and snuggle them closer into me.
Katsuki POV:

In the deku simp club group chat
Denki has sent 6 attachments

Denki; OMFG
Mina:ima bout to cry
Shoto: I wish to continue his blood line.


Tsu: I think we all do ribbit.
Ochoco: guys! He could see our phone screen! Then we get caught!
Kirishima: it's fine Mido is oblivious.
Denki: dense Mf
Mina: omg lol so true
Denki: Minas recording!
Shoto: who knew he had such a beautiful singing voice


Denki: do u have vids..


Shoto: don't be stingy bakugou share.
Sero: yeah!
Tsu : ribbit

NO! :Katsuki

Ochoco: meany

Kirishima: are you watching them?
Mina: yeah I can hear it from ur head phones
Denki: don't worry though Mido is as death as a door knob

F*CK YOU ALL! : Kastuki

Izuku POV:
I swear I hear some sort of song through Kacchans headphones.. it kinda sounds like the time I was singing while doing laundry..

Unedited 861

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