Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Hera decides to attack, an apocalypse is on our heels, dad has another kid," Abel sighed, shrugging, "I think this is all per usual, isn't it?"

"Not at the same time," Charon said, making everyone glance at him in surprise, which makes sense since Charon spoke as many words as I could count on one hand-- and I sucked at counting, "There's something off about this recent development. I don't think it's a coincidence at all. I think the events are lining up in accordance with an overall prophecy."

"What, like the Shifter thing," Cerberus asked, "But that was a bunch of events that had to happen in order for the universe to fall apart. What the hell is this prophecy and what does it do?"

"It's the same prophecy Apollyon had," Lilith replied, making us look at her and she shrugged as she took a bite of a cracker, then made a face and put it back on the table, "Apollyon received his prophecy shortly after his full change over to a hybrid angel. Angels are not supposed to conceive with gods, but Hera went and did that in order to make a stronger beast, which I'd say she did, but she accidentally triggered a prophecy in the process. That prophecy states that only a mutant angel can truly destroy Yhwhwa and all the angels, oh and like, everything else, I suppose. It wasn't too specific, was it?" She looked at Apollyon, who frowned and looked at Hades, who glared at him.

"Do not encourage my son to destroy an entire realm," Hades said coldly, making Lilith shrug and Apollyon frown more deeply, "He's staying here where he'll be safe. He's not going out anywhere to destroy anyone or anything, but apparently the angels don't believe that, do they?" He swung his gaze to Dania, who cleared her throat and tapped her fingernail nervously on the table top.

"Ah, well, no, according to the angelic texts, it was foretold that a mutant angel, a blasphemy before Yhwhwa, was going to take them all out and take over what was once Heaven and will quickly become just another Hell realm," she explained slowly, glancing at me. I scowled.

"That sounds like a lot of work. Can we just, like, deport them or something?" I asked. Cain snorted and Cerberus chuckled while Dania shook her head.

"No, sweetie, angels don't like being told what to do by anyone who isn't Yhwhwa."

"Okay, well, why doesn't Yhwhwa tell them to shut up and relax?"

"Because Yhwhwa also believes in the angelic texts," Dania said, making everyone groan and she nodded, "My informant in Heaven told me that Yhwhwa received those texts from the Paradise realm, at the beginning of time."

"Who wrote the texts?" Adrian asked.

"That's just it," Dania muttered, "No one knows. Only Yhwhwa knows, but he's not really in the mood to talk to anyone outside his inner circle."

"Who's that? Jesus?" I asked drolly, poking my straw around in my milkshake, then paused when I realized no one was speaking and I looked up with a scowl to see everyone considering that.

"What? We're gonna go find Jesus? Does anyone even know where he's at?" I asked dryly.

"Jesus won't help us," Lucy stated, making a few people nod and grimace, "Jesus is loyal to Yhwhwa. If he knew for one second that Apollyon and Four even exist, he could request to start a war to retrieve them."

"I thought Jesus was a hippie," Cain deadpanned. Abel looked at him.

"Jesus is a hippie until it comes to his family," Abel pointed out, "You know, like us. Once someone pisses off one of us, the whole hive is out of control?"

"Okayyy," I said slowly, setting my milkshake on the table and folding my arms over my chest, "So, what are we supposed to do now? Now we have two problems to deal with. The Mother and this prophecy, which by the way, I think is total crap. I'm not really in the mood to destroy angels, Yhwhwa, and take over Heaven. I just want to kill Hera and go home."

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