Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"I said, where the fuck is Bait?"

One by one the Loser Brigade looked away from me, then looked at each other, then looked over at Raven, who said nothing and sat back on the sofa with his legs folded and his hands tucked behind his head, like he wasn't about to touch this conversation with a ten foot pole. Meanwhile, River was frowning curiously, because he had no fucking idea who I was talking about.

"Maybe I'm not speaking proper Greek," I said dryly, "What part of that sentence did you fuckers not understand?"

"It's not that," Seven said, folding his arms tightly over his chest, a little habit he did whenever he was nervous and didn't want to admit it, "It's just... hard to answer that."

"He's not fucking dead, is he?" I demanded.

"No," Three said immediately, then paused when he glanced at Hadrian, who simply frowned in silence.

"Great. Then where is he? I'd like an address."

"We don't know," Hadrian said at last. I scowled at him.

"What do you mean you don't know? How the fuck do you lose a six foot four bag of bones that walks like a cripple and growls like a dog?"

"Okay, you don't need to be rude," Seven said, annoyed, "And it's not that we lost him..." His voice trailed, like he wanted to add more onto that, but wasn't exactly sure how he was going to. I raised an eyebrow, then looked at Hadrian again, because clearly this guy was calling the shots. Or at least between Six and Three he was, because every time one of those two wanted to talk, they'd look at Hadrian first, like they were waiting for permission.

"Gods, don't tell me you guys are fucking," I said, making Six turn red right to the tips of his ears as an obvious answer, "Holy fuck, you are. All three of you? What, was one asshole not enough, now you had to add a third?"

"Oh shut up," Three snapped, "That's not the point. The point is, we don't know where Bait is because we're not allowed to know, alright?"

"Not allowed to know," I repeated, "Why the fuck not? What makes Bait so special?"

"We're not sure," Six said slowly, "Just that he needs to be protected, so they took him somewhere safe. That's all. We're not allowed to see him until we get this situation with the Mother sorted out."

"Situation with the Mother?" I asked. Six stared at me, then looked at Three helplessly and Three just rolled his eyes and covered his ears, looking away from me. Of course he was going to be a fucking dick about it, because he was a fucking dick.

"The Mother is planning to wipe out the Hades family," Seven said, making me glance at him, "You're not an idiot. That was her plan the entire time."

"Okay, and? How's that my problem?"

"Because you're part of the family too, you fucking idiot," Seven said testily, making me narrow my eyes, "And it makes my skin crawl knowing we're related, so just shut up and do what they say, Four. Get better. Be better. Be fucking happy for once in your life. You're surrounded by shit we've never had before. Why can't you just be happy about it for once and let this whole thing go? At least for now, until you're strong enough to defend yourself and the family when the time comes." I huffed and wasn't sure what to say right away, because he'd successfully pissed me off. Who the fuck did he think he was, taking about relations and family and that bullshit?

"Gods, you guys are so desperate for attention, it's gross," I said, rising to my feet, making Seven glare at me, "So you got kicked around a little growing up, so fucking what? You think all of us lived cushy lives back at the compound? Fuck no, but it's a lot better than living some stupid lie."

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