4.Its a Baby Brother

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New place meant new school.

Naviah loved going to school. She really enjoyed it. And well therefore she aced the entrance exam of her new beautifully architectured school. Again, she was admitted to the best school of the town and yes you guessed it right, it was because of her loving mom. Naviah loves new school supplies. New textbooks, school dress, and well of course stationaries. She loved all of them.

A day prior to her first day at her third school, till now, every arrangement was made. From auto rickshaw that will pick and drop her form school to home and vise versa to every little thing she needed, everything was made available even though they were not doing amazing financially. But still as every parent her parents also wanted the best for her and had the motive to provide everything their first child wanted.

Even though she was extrovert enough, its pretty hard to make friends on the first day of school. Well she could have made friends that day but was unable to recognize her abilities. She was shy, and starting a convo wasn't the thing she wanted to do on a first day. Naviah was the kid who won't talk to a person for the time being after first meeting but can talk their ears out after she's comfortable enough. First day went fine. Her class teacher told her to interoduce herself. And then their was the moment she realized she cannot talk in front of a group full of humans staring at her and thinking that when she's gonna say something. Well that's when she discovered she had Stage Fear. Obviously she didn't knew the scientific term for that but from that time on she hesitated to even recite a poem in from of a few relatives. She didn't knew this was not a good thing, but from being a charming young learner who started reciting whatever she new learnt in front of whoever her father invited over, to not being comfortable enough to say her name infornt of her new classmate was not a good sign for her future. Well there was nothing she could do and there was nothing someone who could have done something did. Her PARENTS.

Everyone knows parenting is hard task. But at the time she was born and at the place she was, people were not really interested in development of their children's personality. And so when she stubbornly said no to sing a song or recite a poem in front of a relative, she was just told "its okay". Amd later when they were gone her parents just used to tell "Beta, you made us embarrassed infront of them. You saw how they were looking at you when you didn't sang the song." Her father said. It was not a scold from him he just thought that thinking about the fact that her parents felt embarrassed will make her feel guilty and she'll sing the next time. But as we know parenting is hard, sometimes parents use weapons thinking that they are for their child's welfare, but it doesn't happen to be for their good. So basically making her feel guilty didn't worked and she continued to shy away whenever someone askes her something.

Apart from some realizations, she started making friends at school. And soon she had a best friend, Niharika. They were like peas in a pod. They sat together like every other best friends and had amazing time.

On the other hand she was having amazing time by playing with the baby bump of her mother. It was soon going to be the time when her sibling will arrive. But before that was her birthday. Her sixth birthday. As every year, it was also celebrated with every little thing she wanted. In a beautiful blue princess gown she was indeed looking like a princess. Everything was decorated perfectly and cake was also of her choice. She enjoyed her birthday more than anything.

Weeks after her birthday, something around last week of August, Naviah's mom cried of labour pain and soon was taken to hospital. Well Naviah was in half sleep and and the very next day she just remembered that her parents went to hospital and her close relatives came to live with her. Well, the interesting thing was that the next morning was Sunday, and she did not have to go to school, and she'll be home when the news of gender of her sibling will arrive.

When she woke up on Sunday, her grandmother did all the morning essentials, but today it was hard to handle Naviah. She was super excited about the new baby and was hard to catch.

Later that day, near 12'o clock, someone's mobile phone started ringing. And yeah it was from hospital and she knew it. And that was moment that was going to decide that her prayers have been listened or not. That was the moment she was waiting for since she got to know that she was going to be a big sister. That was the moment she wanted to hear that she got a baby brother to play with. Well she was so busy thinking about her life with a brother, that she didn't even thought about what if it will be a girl? She never thought about that. Well, it would have been great too! Isn't it? A little version of her, sharing cloths, playing with barbie, sharing secrets. Aren't these great things? But it was hard to convince Naviah otherwise.

Well if think as an adult, she only had plan A. She never thought of plan B. And hence she was left with it and had no other option. She would have got disappointed if she had a baby sister, but nothing would have beaten the joy of achieving the plan A. Means a boy brother, lol.

So let's come back to the story.

Naviah's grandmother picked up the call "Hello, is everything fine there?". Naviah was waiting restlessly, trying to hear the voice coming from other side, but was unable to. Her grandmother said smiled amd said "Okay, okay! Yeah, she's her. I'm giving it to her.". Listening to that she started jumping and took the phone from her granny and ran away to her room. She took the phone to ears and said "Hello, papa?", in a super energetic voice. From the other side her father calmed her "Yes, yes beta. Papa this side. So, who do you think is waiting to see you here?". And without wasting a single millisecond she screamed "A baby brotherrrrre!!". Her father on the other side was imagining Naviah's face and then said "But what if its a baby sister beta?". Her pretty little face fall down and in a low voice she continued "Noo... baby brother". She was about to cry when her father announced to her "Hey little girl, don't be upset. So, when didi is coming to meet her little brother?". So, finally, yeah, it was a baby brother. Her was over the moon and on the cloud nine. She said happily "Now papa, now. I want to come there. I want to hold him." Her father said,"okay so tell granny to make you dressed nicely. I'm coming to pick you soon.". " Okay, papa."and disconnected the call.

Now, the only thing she was thinking was to see her brother and hold his little hands. She was dreaming about how she'll hold him. And there was one more thing about which she was excited, and that was not meeting her mother, well she was excited about that, but she was excited to see doctors in the hospital.

Yeah it was a little weird for a newly turned six year old to facinate about going to hospitals and doctor but that's how it was.

But for now she was just going to think about how the baby will react to see her and wait for her father. It was indeed an emotional and happy day her life.

Author's Note:

Stage fear is something that according to me more than 90% of the population around us suffers from. As a child we were fearless, but growing many instances comes that result in contions like this and many more conditions related to communication. The best way to overcome this is to stop overthining about the people, who are gonna forget any mistake that you are gonna make in front of them when they'll exit the room.
So, don't make them the barrier in your enjoyment and success.

And one more thing, you are the one who's responsible for your action, so blaming them on others, isn't a good thing.

Hope whoever who's reading this enjoyed it. And please sharw your thoughts on the story. This isn't proofread. So please just try to let go any small mistake.

Every suggestions, compliment and criticism is welcomed.
Feel free to write any of the above.

Thank you. ❤️

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