🥯 Chapter 29 🥯

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Everything is back to normal. Well almost everything is. Sasuke has fulfilled his mission of making his brother happy and in turn he is majorly happy. He takes Itachi's last advice to heart but one advice isn't going to be enough to push past years of introversion now is it? Doesn't matter anyway. Sasuke isn't actively trying to run away from Naruto and Sai anymore...not that he can out run them anyway. They're always in his corner. With Sai came Ino. Sasuke has no idea when they both got together but he's happy for them. That's one less fan girl off his back.

The other fan girl, he's reconciled with her. He and Sakura talked at length a week after Itachi's funeral when he went back to school. The pinkette was surprised to see him there, everyone that knew about Itachi's death (which is literally everybody in the school because the tabloids wouldn't keep quiet about it)  were surprised to see him back to school so soon. They were all thinking he would take some time off, maybe a month, to mourn his brother but Sasuke hardly looked depressed. Instead he looked relieved.

Sakura thought it was a good thing. She was happy that Sasuke and Itachi could both be at peace. Most of all she was happy that she didn't ruin anything for them. She further apologized for her deceitful behavior and promised to turn a new leaf. Sasuke forgave her and since then they've been friends.

As for our Cinderella, Hinata finally got the accreditation that she deserves as her creme buns and made it to the school cafeteria. People bought it a lot (her number one fan is Naruto by the way but y'all already knew that) because it was delicious and she made a pretty penny out of it. That wasn't the only good thing that happened to her though. Sakura, being old enough and capable, legally relinquished all of her step father's wealth which was signed under her name (Mebuki's grave mistake) to Hinata. The Haruno mansion returned to being the Hyuuga mansion and while Mebuki was still the one running the family business, the profit and gains went to Hinata directly. Oh Mebuki fumed. All of her hardwork (seducing the late Hyuuga when she knew he was on his death bed) was for Sakura's sake and she wasted it just like that. She just wanted Sakura to live a good life.

Hinata, being the kindhearted girl she was, didn't accept Sakura's transfer of ownership. Now don't be hasty to get angry. What she did instead was follow her father's original will for his property distribution. In Hiashi's original will (before Mebuki changed it in her greed), his daughters were to receive 60% of the inheritance while Mebuki and Sakura got 40%. That's how things returned to.

Now that she has the power and money to, Hinata opened a confectionery store in honour of her mother. Her friends (Naruto the number one, Neji, Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Sai and surprisingly Sasuke) helped out with the location, decorations, menu, marketing and other things while she worked on her license. All the money the cafeteria made was used for charity and like her mother did, after the day was over in the shop Hinata shared left over confectioneries that didn't get sold to children and other people that couldn't afford it. That way there was no wastage and people got free food.

Hinata was pleasantly surprised when Sasuke told her of his desire to learn how to bake. She happily accepted him as her student and the both of them found themselves getting closer than they ever were before. But of course some people weren't going to watch that happen without doing anything about it. Naruto, the self proclaimed first student of Hinata sensei (he really is if you think about it) also (suddenly) decided that he wanted to learn too and became a student. Sakura also became a student under Hinata's mentorship.

The three of them...they were surprisingly troublesome. She's always known Naruto has a major competitive streak but she never expected Sasuke and Sakura to play into it. Needless to say training sessions in the bakery has been very eventful and fun.

This brings us to the end of our very unconventional Cinderella story folks. Huh what was that? Romance you say? What do you mean? I thought you got the memo that this story wasn't about the romance (not between the main characters anyway) from the 20th chapter or so. Disappointed? I know but you've made it to the end of the story anyway. You did well. Have a cookie 🍪

Ah lest I forget. Neji, our fairy godmother, and Tenten graduated from highschool and got into the same college on scholarships– Neji on an exam scholarship and Tenten on a sports scholarship. They have their ups and downs but Hinata doesn't see them getting tired of each other soon. Perhaps she should start selecting a wedding gown....


Well folks, that's it! The end of our story!

I kinda rushed this ending so pardon me for that. I assure you that this was how I intended to end the book though. Although I was going to consider ships at some point but with everyone and their different, clashing, ships, I decided to stay on the neutral ground. Kinda like a make up the ending you want kinda ending 😅

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the story. Finally I can focus on my other incomplete stories. Speaking of incomplete stories, how do you guys like a modern Beauty and the Beast SasuSaku au? Now don't be thinking Sasuke would turn to an animal hybrid and trap Sakura in exchange for her father's freedom cause that's not what it's going to be!  Just...tell me what you think about it. I'm also planning a TobiDei book but that's a story for another time (if you're interested in that you can visit my AO3 page @Subby_star)

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