Ep 19: Shock and Awe

Start from the beginning

Tuffnut: You say something?

Fishlegs: Wait a minute. If you two are here and Barf and Belch are over there, then-

(He turns around and doesn't see the figure in the water anymore making him whimper)

Fishlegs: You saw that, right?

Tuffnut: Oh, my Thor. I did!

Fishlegs: Really?

Tuffnut: No! Not at all. Not even.

Ruffnut: Oh, whoa!

(The twins run away leaving Fishlegs to stare at the water)

-----Time Skip-----

(Fishlegs is at the Clubhouse describing what he saw to Y/n, Astrid, Hicca and Snotlout)

Fishlegs: It had two heads, maybe three. And it made this weird sound, like nothing I'd ever heard before. It was like a, like...

(He starts to make roaring and buzzing sounds)

Snotlout: Oh, my Thor. That's incredible, Fishlegs!

Fishlegs: I know, right?

Snotlout: Wrong! Not getting me on Loki Day. If it isn't already obvious to you all, I am way smarter than-

(As he is walking away he steps on a rope which lifts him up into the air)

Fishlegs: Obviously. Much smarter.

The Twins: Loki'd!

Snotlout: Ha, ha, ha. Fine. You got me. But I still don't believe Fishlegs about that creature in lagoon.

Tuffnut: Creature in the Edge Lagoon. Just when you thought it was safe to take a bath in a lagoon.

Snotlout: Okay. Any day now.

Hicca: Toothless?

(Toothless blasts at the rope and Snotlout falls to the floor)

Snotlout: Ah! Oof. Thanks. Much appreciated.

Fishlegs: You can Loki all you want. I know what I saw.

Y/n: We've been swimming and fishing in that cove for months, Fishlegs. Don't you think we would've seen something if there was something to see?

Astrid: Are you sure it wasn't just the light coming through the fog? It can play really weird tricks on you. Especially at that hour.

Tuffnut: Sounds more like somebody got Loki'd by the fog.

Fishlegs: It wasn't the fog, you guys! There's something out there. Something real. And, as usual, you won't believe it until I prove it.

-----Time Skip-----

(Fishlegs is flying above the lagoon while holding a fish on a rope)

Fishlegs: All of Thor's creatures have to eat. Right, girl?

(He throws the fish into the water while holding onto the rope)

-----Time Skip-----

Fishlegs: Well, I've got my Meat, And I've got my Lug, And a great big heart, Filled with Fishlegs love, I'm a Dragon Rider through and through! All right, Meatlug, one more time. Well, I've got my Meat And I've got my Lug And a great big heart Filled with Fishlegs love...

-----Time Skip-----

(Fishlegs has fallen asleep on Meatlug who is looking like she is about to fall asleep too. Meatlug falls asleep and starts to move closer to the surface of the lagoon when something swims up to them and when Meatlug touches the water she and Fishlegs get electrocuted. Fishlegs yells as he is thrown into the water where he sees a dragon swimming around him. The dragon charges at Fishlegs but he is able to grab onto the fish rope and Meatlug throws him into the air)

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