"Please don't. Just go out and have fun for once!" Was what she yelled before hanging up. Gianna shook her head and proceeded to wash her tools to get ready for her next appointment.

Booking her birthday to work was a dumb idea on her end, but she thought it would be a way for her to take her mind off the fact that her life was pretty boring. No friends, just a German Shepard named Snow and bottles of white wine. She loved it, but only to some extent.

She wished she had someone to call and gossip to, someone who wasn't her mother or sister.

Regardless, that would require going out, and her anxiety would not allow that.

Ten minutes later, she greeted the next client and his dog at the receptionist. The golden retriever almost tackled her to the ground when she kneeled to pet him. A laugh left her lips as she pet him, her finger running through his golden brown hairy coat. It lasted for about a minute before she heard a chuckle followed by a quick yet sharp whistle that made the dog calm down and step back.

Gianna looked up to see the owner who—according to the website where clients book—was named Donte DiVincenzo. She remembered the last name because it was unique to her. The pale-skinned man was extremely tall, to the point where she had to crane her neck up, wearing a simple black  Essentials Fear of God hoodie, matching sweats, and a pair of panda dunks. He had a slanted smirk on his face and she mentally made note of how handsome he was.

"I guess he loves you." His voice was rich and deep, attractive.

"Yeah, I have that effect on animals." She replied before grabbing the clipboard from the counter. Her eyes skimmed over the form he had just filled out before she nodded. "Okay. So, Lucky is here for a...."

"Check up. Specifically his ear. I think he has an infection or something. It takes about a minute for him to hear when I call him sometimes and he keeps scratching by there." He explained, going and gently petting his dog.

"Okay, got it. Well, if you'll follow me..."

She led the dog and owner into her examining room, where she instructed him to place Lucky on the table so she could begin the check-up whilst slipping on a pair of gloves. "He's really big for a five-year-old." She started with an enthused smile.

"Yeah, I think it's in his genes or something. Big-boned as hell." Donte remarked and she chuckled.

"But he's healthy so that's all that matters. Isn't that right, Lucky?" She ran her fingers over his coat as he whined in agreement as his tail wiggled. She moved her stethoscope along the dog's body, applying little pressure to hear his heartbeat. "Okay, steady heartbeat. Good blood flow. That's good."

Her eyes lifted to meet Donte's whose were already on her. She hummed softly, continuing to examine the animal.

"Last check-up Lucky did, you weren't the vet here. You new or some'?"

She shook her head. "You probably scheduled a day that I don't work on. I've been here since it was opened." She informed him. Frankly, she had never seen Donte around before. She would've remembered his face. 

"So what you're saying is I need to schedule for Wednesdays from now on." He charmed and she let out a soft giggle.

"Actually, I don't work on Wednesdays. I just made the silly decision to work on my birthday."

Donte cocked a brow, "It's your birthday today?" She nodded, "And you feeling up on dogs all night?"


"Nah, that's bad. So bad. How old?"

"Twenty-five," Gianna replied. "Luck has lost a lot of hair around his left ear area so it's most likely that the infection resides there. I'll do a more detailed examination to confirm." 

Out Your Zone, divincenzo Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu