"What about him? He's a jerk."


"Are you about to try and defend him?"

Ginny's eyes widened. "No! No! I don't even know why... just forget it. I'm just scared, that's all. Timothee gets to go back to France and not have to worry about anything. Everyone loves him. I'm going to be the fat, unknown, sister who- bless her heart- is a teacher for a public school. The people are so snobby in Monaco."

"First of all, you're a bad bitch who can get any guy she wants, mama. Second of all, forget about everyone else's opinion- including Pierre's! You're on summer vacation. You're going to relax, party, and get so drunk you don't even remember what day it is. That's what you're going to do."

"Yes ma'am." Ginny joked, switching the phone to her left ear.

Sara tried to respond without going into a fit of laughter. "Just have fun. If not for yourself, for me."

Open mind from mom. Have fun from Sara. Ginny chewed her lip, thinking about how everything might turn out. "I will. For you."

"Good." Sara sounded like she was grinning. "Make sure to text me when you land, yeah?"

"Mhm." Ginny hummed in response. "Get some sleep. Tell Isabella I say hello."

"I will." Sara said. "Love you girl."

"Love you too."

Ginny hung up, setting her phone on the wooden nightstand. She ran her hands through her wet hair, detangling some bits. She needed to dry the birds nest and get dressed before her brother arrived, but all she wanted to do was close her eyes and take a nap. The anxiety had been building up to this day and now it was here. And she wanted to hide in her sleep.

The thought of seeing Pierre frightened her to the core. Even if he did change, nothing could change how he treated her before. She'd always have to be reminded of those bad memories every night when she laid in bed looking at the ceiling. It was like a movie on repeat. What had she done to deserve it?

A shrill ringing erupted from her phone. She hoped it wasn't Timothee at the door already. Her brows furrowed together, flipping over the screen in a huff.

Unknown number.

Ginny rubbed the back of her neck. Maybe it was her dad? He was always getting new phones. She hesitated- her thumb resting over the green telephone icon. A sigh escaped her. She slid her finger across the screen and accepted, pressing the already damp screen back to her ear. "Hello?"

A pause. "Tu me manques."

The voice was deep. Raspy. The sound would've made her toes curl if it wasn't laced with an evil undertone. Ginny held her breath. Her heart nearly stopped beating. She sat with her mouth agape. No. No. This wasn't happening. Maybe she did fall asleep and this was a dream. She shook her head.

"Hm? Did you not understand me?" He continued with a rumbling chuckle.

"How'd you get my number?"

"Your brother."

Ginny mentally cursed him. "What do you want, Pierre?"

He chuckled harder, like he was throwing his head back in the enjoyment of her discomfort. "I wanted to make sure you were still coming. I wanted to hear it from your mouth."

"Is this some sick fantasy you've been waiting to play out?" Ginny bawled some of the bed sheets in her fist.

"Tell me." He growled into the speaker.

"Why'd you invite me?"

He took a moment before answering. A lighter flickered on the other end. He was smoking. Ginny rolled her eyes. He let out a breath, probably smirking.

"I told you. Tu me manques."

"You don't miss me." Ginny snarled. "I don't believe my brother when he says you've changed. You'll always be a bully."

He sniggered. "Then why are you coming, Ma chérie?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Aw, why not? Because Charles calls you that? Oh wait... you stopped coming... and he moved on." His voice was like poison.

Ginny frantically tried to calm down. She could feel the anger rising in the back of her throat. "Same old Pierre. I guess you really do put on an act for the world."

"You haven't answered my question."

"For my brother." Ginny declared with a frown. "And most certainly not for you, étoile."

The line was quiet. She knew it might hurt him. Not like how he has hurt her. It was like a pinch compared to his punches. But, she wasn't going to give up. Not this time. He blew out again. She could picture the smoke clouding his face. "Well, I am one aren't I? A star. And you're a nobody. Just like always."

"I won't let you get to me." Ginny remembered what Pauline always told her. She wouldn't let Pierre and his words sink into her mind. She couldn't live in fear of France just because of bad memories. She needed to go. She needed to prove herself. She was strong. "You're not going to win."

"I'm sooooo scared." Pierre chuckled. The deep vibration purring over the phone. Ginny pictured his face. His eyebrows raising in mockery. His ocean blue eyes twirling in a dark storm of rage. The veins in his hands popping as he tightened them into a fist. "What are you going to do Genevieve? Snitch on me to your brother? Be the annoying little sister you are? Run to mommy and daddy?"

Ginny gritted through her clenched teeth. "Bite me."

"Oh trust me, I will." He sounded like torturous velvet.

There was a knock on the door. Timothee. Ginny let out a breath. "Good to know you're still the same jerk. But luckily, I've grown up. You're not going to ruin my vacation. Plus, your friend has always liked to keep me company. I'm sure that will be just the same. Goodnight Pierre."

She hung up before he could speak. Her heart was pounding against her chest like a drum. She shakily walked out of the room and made way to the front door. She opened it quickly and Timothee stood with his bags on the other side. He furrowed his brows.

"What's wrong?" He peered at her attire. "Why aren't you dressed."

She motioned him inside. He shut the door behind him. "Sorry, I fell asleep for a bit. I'm gonna get dressed now."

"Oh, did Pierre call you by any chance? He asked me for your number. Im sorry if you're mad."

"Oh, yeah." Ginny swallowed hard. Pierre's words echoed in her ear.

'What are you going to do Genevieve? Snitch on me to your brother? Be the annoying little sister you are? Run to mommy and daddy?'

She forced a smile. "He was just catching up. He wanted to make sure I was still coming."

Timothee relaxed- his shoulders slumping. "Oh good! See? I told you he got soft!"

"Yep." Ginny nodded, still feeling out of it. "You were right, Timmy."

"This is going to be so much fun!" He looked around the room, spinning like a kid. He furrowed his brows again. "Where's Sara?"

Ginny brushed past him, walking to her room. "Something came up. Her parents are in Colombia but they're really sick. She has to watch her niece while Miguel goes to help them."

"So she's not coming?" Timothee whined.

"Sorry, Timmy."

"It's fine." He shook himself back to life. "We'll see her when we get back."

"You gonna miss her?" Ginny glanced over her shoulder.

"Get dressed." He waved a dismissive hand.

Ginny slipped back into her room and shut the door. She let out a heavy breath, clutching her heart. But all she could think of was... him.

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