Start from the beginning

"No, nothing like that happened." I smile at him, "I told you there's no need to apologize, when I stepped in front of you, nobody told me to do it, I did it because I love you. You're very special to me, Luke, I would never let anybody lay even a single scratch on you." I kiss his cheek. He blushes,

(Not like that obviously)

"Are you actually an angel? A human disguised as an angel? Is that it?" He hugs me again.

"Aww! That was the most cutest thing I've ever seen, other than me of course!" Asmo gushes,

"It seems as though Luke is very fond of you, Y/n." Diavolo laughs,

"It's almost like Y/n is Luke's mother." Satan added,

I put Luke down, he continues to hug my leg.

(I'm literally giggling right now, luke is so cute our precious son💕💞💗💕💗♥️💖♥️💖♥️💖)

"I've heard rumors that Simeon and Lord Diavolo met and meditated a solution together, is that right?" Solomon questions,

"Yes, we did." Simeon answers,

"Indeed yes. Isn't that right, Lucifer?" Diavolo looks over at Lucifer,

"...Yes." Lucifer answers in cold tone, Luke slightly hids behind my legs.

"SORRY I'M LATE!!" A feminine voice boomed through the giant entrance of the castle.

"Ah, Thirteen. You've arrived." Diavolo smiles,

"Yes of course. Once I realized Y/n was here, I HAD to come." She hugged me from behind.

"You're so gay, Thirteen." I flick one of her hands,

"Only for you."

"Ew, you're cringe. Get away."

"Why are you so mean? What did I do to you?"

"Shush, go on." I motion for Diavolo to continue,

"All right, then. Now that we're all here, perhaps we should go ahead and explain how this retreat is going to work."

"Certainly, my lord. The aim of this retreat is for demons, angels, and humans to intermingle so that each may gain a better understanding of the other."

"Well, as we're stayin' the night, I say the best way to intermingle is by havin'-

"Group sex." Y/n finishes,





"Well, as we're stayin' the night, I say the best way to intermingle is by havin' a pillow fight!" Mammon interrupted,

"Now then, I'll begin by explaining what we have planned for each day if the retreat."

"Wha... So you're just gonna ignore me?!"


"After you've taken your belongings up to your rooms, we'll begin with a tour of the Demon Lord's Castle, where you'll have a chance to learn about Devildom history."

"Damn, I just got punked. I thought this was a retreat, not a history lesson. Wtf."
I press my lips together and held my head low in disappointed.

"Y/n.. would you stop complaining?" Lucifer slightly nudged me with his elbow,

❝𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒❞ 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐌𝐞! ✘ 𝐅!𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now