Chapter 3: You, Me and Evolution.

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I'm lucky because just as you're about to come at me with another one of your witty remarks, the bell rings, and Hammington tells us not to forget about the play, and of course, she stares at me as she continues to ramble on and on.

"We're going to be late for Mr. Fuiava's class," I can hear one student complaining.

"Ugh, she's just being her typical self again," says another.

I look at you and wonder if you'll start complaining like the rest of the class, but you're not. You're surprisingly calm, and it makes me wonder if Tiana was right about you being Aberdyne's Little Miss Perfect.

"Thank you, class, you are free to leave," and finally, Hammington concludes.

There are a few sighs of relief in the classroom. "And now we're off to your buddy's class," I nudge you on the arm, and playfully wiggle my brows. "How exciting,"

You bite your tongue, and I assume I hit another nerve. "Oh, lighten up, sweetheart, it was a joke."

"A very stale one," you say cheekily.

"You're quite the cheeky little fox, aren't you?" I snap back.

You shove your book and pencil case away in your backpack. "I'd be careful if I were you."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow at you suspiciously.

You look up at me as you sling your backpack over your shoulder. "Don't give me that look. It doesn't suit you," you razz.

I stick out my tongue at you. You can't keep a straight face and let out a small chuckle. "You're such a baby."

"A pretty baby, right?"

You blink, clearly searching for the right words, or should I say, another snarky comment to respond with? Huh. It's only been a few minutes, and I think I've got you figured out, which, luckily for me, makes my job much easier. You open your mouth a little and say, "You're not that pretty."

"Oh, sweetheart," I clasp my chest for dramatic effects. I know, I'm——let's just go with——different (for now). "That went right through my heart."

You laugh it off and say, "I thought Kampton students weren't sissies or is that another one of your school's many rumors?"

Sissies? No. A bunch of cocks? Definitely, but not all.

"Don't confuse us with Aberdyne's lads. We're not sissies. A bunch of cocks? Maybe."

"That's even worse." You remark.

I grin boldly. "Tell that to the girls at your school," I look over at Tiana as I say, and she's not too happy about me staring at her. She discourteously waves me off with a flick of her finger. Oh, boy, I enjoy getting on her nerves.

"Not all the girls of Aberdyne love you Kampton lads." You boldly state.

That's because you haven't had a taste, sweetheart. "I can always give you a taste…just say the word, and I'll do it."


Mr. Fuiava's class is as I expected. It's spacious and with a lot of junk on the walls: there are cell diagrams of all kinds. From insects to animals, and a large part of it is about “human evolution”. Biology is not my cup of tea, but I have learned by now that beggars cannot be choosers. So, I will sit through the torture just to please my darling parents.

Mr. Fuiava greets the class and tells us to take out our books and write down what is on the board. "Whatever happened to giving lessons the old-fashioned way?" I wanted to ask, but I don't feel like getting on his bad side on my first day at school.

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