Chapter 6:

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The hospital was a mad house again and I had no idea if I'd ever get the chance to even go on lunch because it was one patient after the other. I saw a beautiful old couple who went in together, apparently the husband didn't want to go on his normal check-up and the wife wasn't having any of it. They reminded me of my mother because my father keeps on complaining about how she's nagging him about going to the hospital. My father hates needles, in his mind they are tiny swords pricking through ones flesh.

How he comes up with all these crazy stories was anyone's guess. I love how at the end of the day before they went to bed they'd stay up and say a prayer each night. There was never a time where I didn't hear them pray for one another and the rest of us. My family are big believers, nothing is impossible when you have the good Lord in your life and I was always raised to put God first, and never forget to thank him each and every night in prayer. I don't know but it always made me feel at ease after I say a little prayer. I felt so safe knowing that God watches over all of us.

Jamal hasn't woke since and there were still guards standing outside. Too bad I haven't seen the cute officer yet and it made me think that my mother probably gave him the talk the other day when they rushed after me and Mrs. Brown in the ambulance, I had so much to do today.

I still had to go down to the funeral home and get everything sorted for Mrs. Brown's funeral. It broke my heart knowing that Jamal might not even be there, how will he handle all of this when he wakes? Something that has weighed heavy on my heart. Just to imagine everyday without Mrs. Brown not being there just doesn't seem right, it's as if I was living in a nightmare and could not wake up from it.

Why does this hurt so bad?

I had an hour for my lunch break and the first thing that came to mind was Mrs. Brown, I had to go and sort this out first. My mother will understand and I knew she and Brenda was tight so the mooncakes were already set aside, they literally sell like hotcakes and if you wanted them, you needed to phone in and place your order. Brenda's bakery was never empty, it was always packed, full of so many lovely faces, the greatest thing I liked about it was the people. They always made one feel so welcome and right at home, the stories the elders shared was just as beautiful.

Somehow I found them inspiring, to live in a country like China with so much rich history must be really interesting. Eddy's grandmother Mrs. Jacqueline whom we call Chi-Chi was so warm and open, there were days where I didn't go home and just spend my nights over at their house, ugh! Everyday was a blessing there. I got to learn so much and I always love to see so many other cultures and going to new places, but the way I carried on made Eddy feel so embarrassed.

It didn't take too long at the funeral home as I thought it would. After everything was sorted I set a date for Mrs. Brown's burial and thought if I did it a few days later they'd allow Jamal to go, and bury his grandmother even if it was just to sent her off. Surely that is fair, right? Or do we need to beg and plead for him to pay his last respect to his grandmother?

I felt at ease knowing that Mrs. Brown's story is at least sorted out, the only thing I had to worry about now was Jamal, and I knew I would have to go back to that awful station and have a word with their warden.

I would have to do some pleading again, how did it ever come to this? I knew Jamal was with his grandmother and for them to accuse him of robbery and rape was absurd, he wouldn't hurt a fly. If he was as bad as they said my family wouldn't have let him near my little sister. Just the other day Maya came rushing home with Jamal and she told us that there were guys who tried to rob them and assault her, Jamal was there with her and saved her. His face was all beaten and bruised, but how can someone like that even try to take advantage of a young girl, it just didn't make any sense at all. None of this did.

On my way to Brenda's Bakery, I couldn't help but smile, the only thing I had on my mind were her baked goodies. China town was a little far but for treats that good it was worth the ride. I got off the taxi not too far when I saw Chi-Chi walking by herself, there were cars passing by and I didn't want her crossing the road on her own, and so I called to her and ran towards her.

From a distance I could see she was fending off a group of teenagers, by now I was used to it round here. There was that one group who would love to poke fun at the elderly and are always looking for trouble. I don't find it funny in the least bit of people poking fun at other people and much less older people, it's disgusting.

When I got closer I could see as they were throwing pebbles. I shouted and used my body as a shield protecting Chi-Chi, why on earth would they be doing such a thing? Who throws old people with stones? Aren't they ashamed of themselves? Does their parents know what they are up to after school? "Hey stop it. Stop it!" I yelled, and they only got more aggressive. They picked up more stones and kept calling us names, and mocking the both of us. Oh, the mocking, how can I forget that. I mean, it's hard to think of us as humans or as being equal.

Sad, so sad.

"Get the fuck out of America! Go back home Ling-Ling, this is not your land, and you fuzzy, go the fuck back to Africa or whatever dump you crawled out of." There it was again, those words, why do you need to put down others by dragging them down? Words hurt the most and I could care less what they were saying about me, Chi-Chi was nothing but kind. She did nothing to them and her only sin was trying to cross the road in peace.

In fury I turned around and I could see their faces. They laughed and mocked us. Some of them I recognize because they were in the same class as Maya was.

I stood with my back still shielding Chi-Chi. She was crying and yelling, she begged them to stop. "If we were throwing those stones we would be in the wrong, all the privileges you have in this world and you take advantage of the helpless. You cast stones on innocent people. Chi-Chi didn't do anything to you, why can't she cross the road in peace? Is it such a crime to walk freely in the streets or do we need permission for that too? I hope one day you don't face the same struggles we do, maybe then you'll realize what you're doing isn't fair." I held back my tears.

Chi-Chi clung on tightly to my shirt and continued to plead with me:

"Make them stop Drew, thing I heard was a siren and saw blue and red lights stopping near us. And when he stepped out, the only thing I could see was those deep dimples and that cute smile, he nodded and went directly towards the group of teenagers. Chi-Chi and I were just waiting at this point, but the faith in her eyes when she saw how he stood up for us, it made me realize that maybe I did judge him too soon.

"Get over here, all of you!" He told them and I could never imagine the fear I'd see in their faces displayed by his appearance. They came around the broken fence and I could see as the one was pushing the other forward, they were frightened. Chi-Chi stood next to me and held my hands tightly in hers. I wiped her tears and assured her that we are safe now. "What do we say, and I don't want to hear those bullshit excuses. Apologize to the nice young lady and Chi-Chi."

With frightened expressions on their faces they saw him pointing at his gun with his eyes, they immediately started pleading and begging us for forgiveness. They even went as far to go on their knees and begged, wow, I had never seen anything like this. "Please forgive us. We're sorry, we'll never do it ever again, we're so sorry Chi-Chi and nice young lady nurse, please forgive us." They stood up and was warned by Johnny to never do such a thing again. He told them to show respect and kindness toward others, I had never seen anything like this and much less from an officer.

"I don't understand how children can be so cruel." He said, Chi-Chi was so glad he came at that moment and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"Thank you young Johnny, you are always so kind." Chi-Chi said, her eyes full of tears.

Who was this man underneath the uniform? I thought, but I knew that he was definitely not the same as his colleagues at the station.

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