Chapter 22:

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I froze, I could see as Dr. Nicholson's eyes were scanning me, my forehead was flushed and drenched in sweat, the last thing I could recall was waking up in a hospital bed. "Wha──what am I doing here?" I stammer as I looked around. Destiny was the first person I saw when I opened my eyes. And for a moment I had no idea what happened. Everything was blurry, and the last thing I saw were people being rushed into the hospital with stretchers as well as hearing the beeping sounds of the machines from the rooms, and that was it. Nothing else after that.

"You fainted Drew, Dr. Nicholson thinks it might be stress." I can hear her say, which made me look at her strange because I still couldn't process it, and why I fainted.

I was so tired, I felt like I hadn't been getting in a proper night's sleep, things were hectic at work. I know, I have to take it easy and make sure I get in enough sleep, "I'm so sorry about that," I apologized. "I feel so stupid now." I continued, this had never happened with me before while I was on duty, it was a scary thing and I couldn't help but wonder what if the board finds out, I'd surely get fired for such a mistake. It never should have happened and much less today, the hospital was a mad house and me fainting only made it worse.

"How's my favorite patient doing?" When I heard Dr. Nicholson's voice I shrugged. I felt so embarrassed for fainting right in front of him, what must he be thinking of me at this moment? It was embarrassing to wake up and see the doctor along with my co-worker together in the same room. Mom was right, I should stress less.

"I'm so sorry Dr. Nicholson, I didn't know what came over me, but I can promise you that it'll never ever happen again." I tugged the sheets closer to my chest, I wanted to bury my head so far and deep under the covers and let loose the inner child in me that is how embarrassed I truly felt.

"No need to apologize Drew, but I suggest you take it easy. I know you have been on a rollercoaster ride lately but you must remember, you need to take care of yourself first. As you can see, we cannot manage this hospital without you. I'll give you an hour or so, you need it." Dr. Nicholson had left my hospital room again, Destiny was by my side this whole time but I had to relieve her of her duty, there was no way she would be taking care of me while there were still others to care for, and in an hour I will be feeling better and would be on my toes again running around like crazy.

This is what I feared most, that the young people, our young people were dying for something they believed in. Innocent blood were being shed and it has become too much, too much to handle and too much to bear. How much more do we have to endure before we are being taken serious? How much more do we have to endure for them to realize that equality is not something we should be fighting over, and instead it should have always been that way? We do not have to fight for us to be treated as the same, that is what we deserve, what we should all receive, we are all human beings and we are all in search of the same thing, love. Love is what we are all after and love is what each and everyone of us should be given. Love is a beautiful thing, love brings peace as well as it brings people together.

I woke up well rested with a mind at ease two minutes before the hour's rest. I got out of bed and inhaled deeply and exhaled calmly. Walking down the corridor out of my room. "Drew, good thing you're up. Come, we don't have any time. You need to help all the other patients." I could hear as Dr. Nicholson called me, and immediately I had jumped into my normal and usual routine, this was the life of the hospital. I have learned to cope with it all and I have been managing to juggle everything, but there were cases that were too personal for me.

Some I could not handle due to me always being so sensitive, but I tried my best. I try to lend an ear as well as calm people that doctors and hospitals weren't as bad as they thought, and it was always a delight for me to work with children, they were curious and had all sorts of questions. There was never a dull moment, but the elderly topped the cake, I loved how open they were and I loved all the stories they would share with me. How things were back in the day and all that jazz, to live life through their eyes must be something remarkable, to think of everything they have lived through.

I always found them the most interesting.

About 4 hours in and I got to catch my breath in the cafeteria and what a relief it was for me to finally be able to sit. My feet were sore and the day wasn't even over yet, I couldn't help but smile as I could hear his voice softly whispering into my ear. "Hey beautiful, wanna go out tonight?"

I pout, to be going anywhere tonight would be a hard no but then again Johnny was so irresistible, and it was way too hard for me to turn him down and tell him no, it was impossible. "I don't know, but it all depends on where you're taking me."

He grinned, Oh brother, I can only imagine now what he had on his mind, there was no way I'd go to a bar where policemen frequented. There would be some people there whom I don't have time for, I'd much rather be spending my entire night at home and listen to Maya and her lovesick stories about how amazing Jamal was and the poems he has written for her, those two should just get married. I chuckled as I imagined it, my father would blow a gasket and my mother would turn gray and faint on the spot, what a nightmare that would be. "No silly, I want to take you somewhere special, just promise me that you'll look the same. Well, just not as tired as you are right now." He pecks a soft kiss gently on my lips as he left the cafeteria.

"I─okay." I gasped, and each and every time I felt his soft lips against mine I melted. I could not control this urge to just hold him tight and just never letting go, it's weird to say but I sound worse than Maya now that I come to think of it. I know for a fact I won't get to live this one down, I had to brace myself for the questioning Eddy will be having for me after this.

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