Chapter Thirty-One

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"Good." Kix nodded, "The ice is for the bruising on your hand--" He started to say, but his words halted abruptly as he looked down and saw the cuffs around her wrists. He spun on his heel, turning back around to face Cody as he crossed his arms, "Why is she cuffed?" He asked harshly and Cody seemed caught off guard by the question.

"It's standard procedure when transporting a prisoner--" He tried to explain, but Kix cut him off as he gestured to Kyah.

"Do you think she's a threat?" He asked plainly.

"No." Cody sighed, glancing up at Kyah again.

"Has she tried to fight you at all?" He asked more specifically and Cody sighed, running a hand over his face.

"No, she hasn't." He admitted.

"Her arm and hand are both injured, and seeing as she has complied fully with your orders, I insist you remove the cuffs at least while she is contained in the cell." Kix ordered.

"Look lieutenant, I might not be your commander, but I still outrank you." He said firmly, "I don't appreciate being ordered about on my own ship. Now, I'll bring her whatever you think she needs to be comfortable, but I won't disregard procedure," He locked eyes with Kyah, "No matter who she is." He finished and Kyah looked down, into her lap.

"You don't understand Cody, she needs them off." Kix tried to covey the importance to him, but without being able to tell him why, it was a losing battle.

"I know you're used to running things like general Skywalker, so you think the rules are made to be twisted to suit your needs, but here we follow orders and protocol."

Kix shook his head, "But--" He started to argue again, when Kyah interrupted him.

"It's fine Kix." Kyah insisted, holding her knees again, tight enough to turn her knuckles white, and prayed it was enough to keep them still until Cody had left.

The medic turned around, his jaw clenching as he looked down at her hands again, then back up at Kyah, "As you wish General." Kix said sadly, "We will meet you back on Coruscant." He assured her, "Though, It appears that we'll be making a..." He glanced over his shoulder at Cody before turning back to her, "Slight detour before joining you." He said and smiled, peaking both her interest and Cody's.

"I see." She nodded, wishing to know more, but she figured he was keeping his update vague for a reason, "Safe travels."

"You as well General." He said before signing off, and leaving Cody crouched in front of Kyah in the quiet cell.

She locked eyes with him, and Cody found himself unable to hold her gaze as he stood and took a step back, "I uh..." He stuttered again, "I don't mean to offend you by insisting the cuffs stay on." He tried to explain, "It isn't personal, it's just--"

"Protocol." She finished his sentence before he had the chance, and his eyes moved up to meet her's. She offered him a smile as she watched him nod sadly, "It's quite alright Commander." She assured him, "I have no intention of interfering with your duties."

Cody nodded distractedly as he looked at her once more before heading back out of the cell and reactivating the energy field.

His heart felt heavy as he walked down the hall away from her, hesitating for a moment as he looked down at the key to her cuffs, which hung on his belt. He wrestled with the urge to go back, but instead shook his head and left the cell block without another word.

Kyah drank her water as per Kix's orders, and lay back down on the bed before struggling to place the ice onto her knuckles while her hands were locked together. She set it down next to the pillow, then rested her hands beside the ice, and carefully moved her fingers, using the force to lift the gel pack and rest it over her bruised knuckles.

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