Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Are you ready to head into your own room?" Kix asked, his composed facade slipping for a moment as he swiped the back of his hand across his tired face.

Kyah nodded, "Yes." She said, "Sorry, we're very distractible." She offered him an apologetic smile.

"It's alright." Kix said, picking his helmet up off a tray and hooking it under his arm as he led them further into the medical wing, down a hallway and into their own private room with a handful of empty beds.

"Take a seat." Kix said and dropped his helmet on the closest bed, then walked up to a complicated looking set of machines and started setting up the controls to his liking, "I'll look over General Skywalker first."

"There's lots more room back here, Kix." Anakin said curiously, "Why do you have the dominos all cooped up together?" He asked.

"I had them separated at first, just hoping to keep the noise down, but I started getting complaints from the staff about them moving around against direct instruction to rest." He sighed, "They were going and finding each other around the compound." He explained.

"I see." Anakin nodded as he smiled and shook his head, then sat down on the second bed, "So you just moved them together instead."

Kix nodded, "The only problem I've had from them since is having to break up the occasional argument," He shrugged, "but mostly I think they're enjoying being back together."

Kyah sat on the third bed, so that Anakin and her were facing each other, as Kix messed with the monitors between them. He seemed satisfied with their set up, so he unhooked a couple of wires from the side and put suction cups on the ends, then hung them over the rail attached to Anakin's bed.

"Right." He said and grabbed a stool, pulling it over in front of Anakin before plopping down on it, "Tell me each injury sustained, how it happened, and what's been done to treat it thus far." He ordered.

Anakin took a deep breath, thinking back to the start, "I was nicked twice by Dooku during our fight here on Mandalore, then I dislocated my shoulder when I hit the ground after the explosion threw me from the balcony. As for treatment, Kyah and her men set the shoulder for me. It's been in a sling since then. Oh, and Kyah applied beccta to the saber burns twice now." He finished.

Kix nodded as he got up, "And there's nothing else?" He asked, and Anakin shook his head.

"Yes there is." Kyah chimed in, and Anakin's brow furrowed as he genuinely didn't know what she was talking about, "You were electrocuted excessively, and repeatedly." She reminded him, and Anakin shrugged.

"Right, yeah. I was just listing the things Kix needs to worry about." Anakin explained, and both Kyah and Kix looked at him in disbelief, "What?" He asked, and shuffled uncomfortably under their gaze.

"Electrocution can have a plethora of lasting effects. The electrical currents can disrupt brain or heart function, leading to seizures, abnormal brain function and even a potentially fatal heart irregularity." Kix said in a worried voice, "How many times have you been electrocuted and not told me about it?" He asked suddenly and Anakin averted his eyes.

"This is the first time." He mumbled quietly, convincing no one. "When Kyah was shocked you didn't seem too worried about it." He argued.

"Because I read her medical history, and knew that she'd built up a tolerance to the effects of that specific device." He explained and Kyah's eyes widened as her gaze fixed on the back of his head, "Even still, I left instruction for the med droid taking care of her, to monitor the side effects for the next few weeks." He added.

"You read my file?" Kyah asked in a voice barely more than a whisper.

Kix spun around on his rolling stool to see her wide eyes and worried expression, "Well, yes." He nodded with half a shrug, "Once we got back to Coruscant I had to make sure there was nothing I missed." He tried to explain.

Anakin Skywalker AU RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now