Chapter Nine

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Nearly two hours after parting from the ladies, Anakin and Obi Wan found themselves wearing Mandalorian, formal black robes and standing in the Foyer, awaiting the arrival of Satine, Kyah and Ashoka so that they could escort them to the Dining Hall.

"How could it possibly take this long to put on a dress?" Anakin stood up and did a lap around the room for the hundredth time as Obi Wan remained seated and drummed lightly on his knee.

"I do believe that's an oversimplification of what goes into one of the Duchess' Ensembles." Obi shrugged and Anakin plopped back down beside him.

"I guess." Anakin shrugged, then a smile spread across his face as he turned to Obi Wan. "I've gotta say, I'm looking forward to seeing Snips try to act all ladylike." He laughed, "She's gonna hate it so much."

The two of them laughed together before hearing the doors start to open. They jumped up and stood at attention as Satine walked out first, wearing her pink beaded gown with draping sleeves and a short train to her skirt.

Anakin looked over at Obi Wan, who's jaw hung open as his eyes grew wide.

Anakin leaned over to his Master and whispered, "Close your mouth." Snapping poor Obi out of his trance-like state and bringing a blush to his cheeks. He cleared his throat and tried to collect himself as Satine walked towards him.

"You look stunning, my dear." He stated simply and Satine smiled as she came to stand before him and ran a hand over his shoulder, smoothing out a wrinkle in his pitch black robes.

"You're not so bad yourself Master Jedi." She looked up at him and Obi Wan just about melted.

Anakin watched the exchange with a fond smile. He had to admit, it warmed his heat to see his master so happy.

Then Ashoka walked through the doors, wearing her shimmering blue gown with its high collar, and complimentary silver jewellery.

"Wow Snips, I didn't know you could look so... dainty." Anakin smiled broadly.

"I look ridiculous," she mumbled as she came to stand beside her master with her arms crossed firmly over her chest and a pout on her lips. "Why can't I wear robes like you?" She fussed and Anakin laughed.

"Because we don't want to disrespect the Mandalorian's traditions." He said in a very pleased tone of voice.

Lastly Kyah came out into view. As Anakin was about to continue poking fun at his Padawan, he looked up and saw her standing in the doorway wearing her scarlet, beaded gown, His eyes roamed over her from head to toe without meaning to, before coming back up to focus on her face, which was perfectly framed by her silky black hair, draped around it, and mixing with the golden chains that had been strung over top.

"Woah." Anakin breathed out as he watched her walk into the room, much more gracefully than she had in the last outfit.

"What's the matter Sky Guy?" Ahsoka chuckled, "Rada-cat got your tongue?" She poked him in the side and Anakin frowned at her. He cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders to try and relax as Kyah came closer.

"This is by far, the worst mission ever." She said as she stopped in front of everyone and frowned deeply.

"I'm sorry to hear that Master Paladin, but I think you look lovely." Obi Wan said as he smiled sweetly down at her.

Satine leaned into his side and hooked her arm over his, "She does, doesn't she." She smiled proudly at Kyah who was flustered under their praise.

"What do you think Master? How does Senator Paladin look?" Ahsoka asked Anakin, who open then closed his mouth several times before speaking.

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