Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next week flew by without a hitch. Kyah checked in with the med droid every other day for bandage changes, doing all of the exercises and stretches that it told her to do. She started to see and feel a real improvement, then on the sixth day, it took out her stitches and unwrapped her burns for the last time. 

Kyah walked out into the hall after her latest appointment, and looked into the reflection of the window in the empty hallway. She ran her fingers across the sensitive skin, on her neck, looking at the jagged, pink scar wrapping the circumference.

She sighed and frowned at it, not noticing someone approach her from behind until she noticed him in the reflection.

"Another for your collection I see." Master Plo said, worry plain on his face as Kyah turned to face him and pulled the collar of her shirt back up to cover the raw flesh.

"A few new additions." She nodded, rubbing her arm where Dooku's blade had bitten into her skin.

"I had hoped to come and find you sooner, but was called away on business for the past few days." He explained and Kyah nodded.

"I know, I asked around for you and Master Windu said you'd be back soon."

Plo nodded, "Good." He said, "How are you feeling after your last mission?" He asked and they walked together down the hall.

"I'm alright." She shrugged, "The bot doc says I'll be ready for combat in another day or two." She smiled.

"You intend to join the fight on Mandalore?" He clarified.

Kyah nodded, "If it isn't over by then."

"The last I heard, Skywalker was pressing an advance on the palace." He told her, "Though that was two days ago. I'm about to head in to a meeting now for an update." he said and Kyah nodded, twisting the hem of her sleeve.

"I'm going to the library for a while. If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate an update as well once your meeting is over?" She asked and Plo nodded.

"Of course. I'll find you afterwards." He nodded and they parted ways.

Kyah settled into an open seat in the library, searching the digital system for a few books she was interested in checking out. She had been spending a great deal of her spare time here with Madam Jacosta, digging in to the history of the Jedi order. She had hoped to find something in the records that would remind her why she was proud to be a Jedi, but, the more she learned, the more she realized how far the order had fallen from its former glory. They had become so consumed by this war, that they had forgotten their purpose as peace keepers. Rather than being centralized around the will of the force, they were now slaves to the demands of war, or more specifically the republic.

Kyah closed the book she had been reading and sighed heavily, losing herself in thought as she sat in the peace and quiet of the library.

"Kyah." A deep voice came from behind her, and Kyah spun her chair around to face Plo Koon.

"Master." She smiled and stood to greet him, bowing respectfully as she had once been required to do as his padawan. "Any news?" She asked hopefully.

"Actually, yes." Plo nodded, a heaviness surrounding him that set Kyah on edge as she crossed her arms in front of her and listened intently, "Master Skywalker and Padawan Tano managed to find a way through the separatist blockade. They pressed their advantage, made it all the way down to the surface of the planet, and retook the palace. Masters Kenobi and Mundi followed them down, decimating the remaining blockade once it was initially broken," Plo hesitated, grimacing as he continued, "but, by the time they reached the palace where Anakin was supposed to wait for them, they discovered that he had been taken captive by Dooku and Asajj Ventress, while Ahsoka was injured, but left behind."

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