Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Spinner sat in the row of seats just ahead of Kyah, his head leaning back against its rest as he wrestled with his thoughts. Though he'd already made up his mind about following her, whatever path she might choose, it didn't stop him from feeling a little guilty about the idea of leaving the republic. All his life, his only goal had been to serve as the best soldier he could be, it's what he was made for, but all of that changed when he was assigned to Kyah. Now, the only thing that mattered to him, was seeing her happy and keeping her safe. Of course, that was often easier said than done, and up until now, serving her had been serving the republic. He never thought he would have to choose, but when it came down to it, he didn't hesitate.

He chuckled to himself as he thought back to his first few mission with her. Back to how confused he had been by her methods. Every time he would suggest a plan, she would alter it to put herself in the front, often leaving him and the team behind to watch her back, but not engage. Initially he thought it was because she didn't trust him, and this may have been part of it, but more than that, it was because she didn't want him in the line of fire.

The first time that he disobeyed her wishes and put himself at risk to help her, he did so to try and prove his loyalty, but she absolutely lost it on him. She shouted, paced and even punched right through a wall while he was getting bandaged up. He thought for a moment she would ask for a new captain to be assigned to her. She didn't of course, instead giving him the silent treatment for three missions, and making him stay on the ship until he was fully healed. Even months later, after countless missions together, Kyah still wouldn't let them help her, until one job went south and she was captured.

She had ordered the troopers to stay back while she checked things out, and went in alone, quickly finding herself overwhelmed by the enemy. Her final command before being taken down, was for the boys to get back to the ship, and fly to Coruscant. As always, she ordered them not to engage, but this time, Spinner had had enough. Too many times he had watched her, injured and endangered when it could have been prevented, if only she would let them help. Well this time would be different. He disregarded her orders and the troopers devised a plan to break her out, and complete the mission simultaneously. When they sprung her from her cell, she again tried to scold them, but Spinner was having none of it. He told her that if they were going to continue working together, she had to let them help her. She was resistant to the idea, but after the mission was completed and they had all escaped successfully, she agreed to try. It took many more missions, but little by little, she learned to trust them. Not only their intentions to help her, but their skill as well. She was finally able to see how capable they were as soldiers and how incredibly well they worked as a team.

And now, after two years and countless missions, they were a force to be reckoned with. They'd never failed a mission, or lost a man. Spinner was boundlessly proud to be her captain, in fact, she was such an inspiration to him, that her honourable methods, started to shine a light on the republics flaws for him. He wasn't blind to how so many of the Jedi, and the Republic generals saw him and his brothers as nothing more than numbers: Simple weapons to be pointed at the enemy, and replaced as quickly as they're lost. To find another Jedi like her was rare, which is why he was so pleased to see that Anakin was one of them. Of course there were a few others, like Obi Wan, or Plo Koon, but as the war raged on, even great generals like themselves were becoming further reserved with their attachments to their men. The more they lost, the harder it was to form new bonds with the shinies.

War takes its toll on us all, he thought to himself as he sighed, closing his eyes as he adjusted his bandaged head against the headrest behind him. He blinked rapidly, opening his eyes wider to keep from dozing, since he knew how close they were to Mandalore now. He stood up out of his seat and stretched his arms over head, feeling the tension built around his neck and shoulders as he struggled to force them to relax.

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