Chapter Twenty-Four

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The blast threw her backwards into Wingman, who caught her as she raised her hands instinctively and used the force to stop the shards and ship fragments from flying passed her and impaling her crew.

"Everyone okay?" Spinner asked, as the wall of suspended shrapnel fell to the ground in front of them. The clones all sounded off affirmatives, nodding to Spinner.

As Wingman set Kyah down, she hissed in pain. He moved in front of her, "You good?" He asked, but his question was answered for him, as she tightly gripped her right arm and the clone's eyes went wide. "Kyah's hit!" He announced and Spinner unhooked Anakin's arm from his shoulder and left him with Dozer as the captain ran to her.

He came around in time to see her grab a long, shard of metal that had stabbed high up in her arm, and come all the way through to the other side.

"Damn it." Spinner cursed under his breath as he looked up at her pained expression. She tried to pull it out, barely moving it at all before she let go and exhaled a shaky breath.

"I can't." She said in frustration, breathing heavily, "You have to pull it out." She said and Spinner raised his hands as he shook his head.

"It will bleed more. You should leave it where it is." He instructed, but Kyah shook her head.

"Someone blew up our ship. We are under attack." She reminded him as her clones formed a circle around her and Anakin, keeping their weapons primed. "I need it out so I can fight." She insisted and Spinner looked back down at the shard, watching as her blood leaked down all around it, soaking her black sleeve and dripping from her fingertips to the ground bellow.

"Okay." He breathed and readied himself. "Does anyone have a med kit on them?" He called out and Mouse spoke up.

"I do." He nodded, "I thought Master Skywalker might need it." He pulled the small kit from his packsack. "I was waiting til we were back on the ship, but I guess that's not going to happen." He sighed as he jogged over to Kyah.

"Good call." Spinner said gratefully, "I need you to be ready with the bandages as soon as this is out." He said and Mouse nodded. Spinner took one of the cloth bandages and tied it above the wound as tightly as he could to restrict blood flow, then he braced himself and gripped the scrap metal tightly in his gloved hand.

"Are you ready? He asked, and Kyah squeezed her eyes closed, as she took in a shaky breath, then nodded. He pulled it out as straight as he could, trying to block out her scream when he felt it scrape her bone and tear her flesh further, before finally coming free.

Spinner dropped the bloodied scrap beside him and held up her arm for Mouse, who quickly sprayed the area with beccta, then placed gauze pads over the entry and exit wounds, before wrapping the area in the bandaging.

"I can't feel my hand." Kyah said as her laboured breaths came quickly, "I need this loosened." She started to pull at the knot on the bandage that was preventing blood flow.

"It'll bleed too much, Kyah, you can't." Spinner said and pulled her hand away.

"This is my dominant hand." She argued, "I need it functioning."

"I was hoping for a decent fight!" A woman's raspy voice called out from the entry way to the black fortress. "Looks like I'll be disappointed." She taunted Kyah.

Everyone turned to see Ventress walking slowly across the bridge connecting the fortress to the landing zone where they stood amongst the remains of their ship. All of her clones rushed forward and started to form a line in front of Kyah, Anakin and Dozer who still held him steady, but before they could perfect their formation, Kyah walked forward with purpose.

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