♡date? PT.1(stendy)♡

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Stan's pov: i wake up around 5AM and get up for school. I look around to see both broken and intact bottles, I walk into my restroom to start getting ready. I attempt to look at my self in the mirror that I broke last night, but I can barely see anything. I start getting ready and I head out to get to the bus stop. Like usual I'm the first one there. I put on my headphones and just listen to music.

I see kenny walking towards me and I wave at him, and he waves back. Once he's next to me he asks how I was doing.. I could barely understand him because of the parka hood covering his mouth and I was pretty hungover but I showed him a thumbs up. He nodded and looked back at the street.

A few minutes pass and I see Kyle walking towards us, kenny waves like a hyper 5 year old who saw their best friend at Walmart. Kyle waves back, with the same energy. It slightly scares me.

Kenny and Kyle talk about stuff but I'm not listening, the bus pulls up and we get on. A few seconds later I can see cartman attempting to run towards the bus.. it makes me laugh. Cartman makes it to the bus in time surprisingly. We start heading to school. I don't look forward to it..the only reason i go is to see her...'her' being the girl I've liked since 3rd grade.

We get to school and I see her.

Wendy's pov: my mom drops me off at school and as soon as I go in i see stan, I've liked him since 4th grade but never said anything.. I find bebe and the other girls and we start talking.  I told them about stan and they somehow convinced me to ask him out during lunch...oh god..

I go to my first class and see his friend/ my academic rival, Kyle quietly reading I go towards him and sit in front of him.
"Hey kyle.." I say
"Can I ask you something"
He looks up from his book
"Huh, yeah?" He said sounding kind of out of it
"Do you know who stan likes.." I say, slightly turning pink
"Yeah, I can't tell you though" he says with a sly grin
"Kyle please!" I respond clasping my hands together.
"Nah, I'm good" he says, then goes back to reading his book

Stan's pov: I notice that Kyle has texted me "dude I think Wendy likes you ;)))" I respond "what?! No way" he starts typing almost instantly "she asked me who you liked.. and I overheard her talking with the other girls and she's gonna ask someone out today, I didn't hear who tho" I read his text but don't respond


Wendy's pov: it's lunch. I panic and wait outside of Stan's class.
He comes out and turns red as soon as he sees me "oh- uh- hey wendy.!" He says smiling a bit "stan.." I see bebe recording in the corner of my eye. I take a deep breath
"do you...maybe wanna go out with me sometime?
He looks at me surprised and confused.
"Um...like a date or..?"
"Yeah, like a date.." I say covering my mouth right after
He smiles widely
"O-Of course I would!" He says. Running to the bathroom to throw up. He usually does that when I talk to him.

Stan's pov: I run up to the guys "DUDES WENDY JUST ASKED ME OUT!" I yell
Kenny starts cheering and Kyle claps, cartman just stands there.

"So, when are yall going out?"
"Next monday!"

A/u: RAHHHH STENDYYYYYYYYYYYYY I lOVE yalllllllzzzzzz byeeeeeeww

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