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"Oh please, I had better things of importance than whatever it was a ceremony you held. I still don't understand your rebellious nature, and I hoped to the heavens it was a joke. How long has it been though? Seven months?"

"Five years actually."

"Five years?" The tone of bemusement was directed towards her. Her eyes even though her body posture remained ridged racked her whole body. "I do not see children."

"That is because there are none mother, are you going to let us-"

"So then the rumors are true, a woman that cannot bare an heir. I wonder how she has managed thus far with society. We all know every Seymour must have an heir to inheritance, someone to walk after them-"

"Mother please." He said as he took the short steps to the front of the house. "The servants," Lady Seymour began; "will show you your rooms." She turned following her son without acknowledging Emilia any further.

"Luckily, you are just in time for breakfast the whole house is up." Why did Emilia expect Devyn to stand up for her? Why did she wish with so much hope that he stood by her side and put those rumors to rest, even though they were true? She felt the inconspicuous yet judgmental stares of the servants she past by and she knew her time at the manor would be one most dreadful, one most leading to worse than a heart break and here she had thought the judgment from the townsfolk was worse.

"My lady, might I show you your room?" A tall skinny man bowed before her. "My wife and I shall be sharing a room. I believe it is still my old chambers? Even though mother changes the whole décor of the house she for some reason always forgets my chambers-"

"What nonsense!" Lady Seymour almost dropped dead on spot at the words of her son. "Heavens, my home is grand enough to house over a hundred guests and you want to share the same chambers as your wife." "I clearly do not see the problem here."

"Well I do." Lady Seymour was about three inches shorter than Devyn but the command in her tone and her rigid body posture as well as her title gave her all authority needed. Not a soul dared cross her. "I shall not have you sharing a room with your wife when you can have your own."

"I do not mind having my own chamber, your ladyship." Emilia curtsied. "Even the wife agrees."

"Emilia mother. Emilia is my wife's name." But even he went ignored.

"I expect you refreshed for breakfast before the strike of the father clock. Roberts will show you to your separate rooms now." Emilia turned and followed the man eager to get rid of her dress and to take a very hot bath. She was more than eager to have her skin soak in the bubbles of the warm water and lather herself in sweet smelling soaps than actually join the crowd for breakfast. Though concerning her chambers, her thoughts were spoken out loud when Devyn questioned. "She is to sleep in the east wing?"

"Her ladyship made it quite clear that any guest you bring should be assigned a room in the east wing my lord."

"Impossible!" She could hear the strong determination on his lips and the strength of his arm when he got hold of hers. "My wife shall and will sleep either in the same chamber as mine or at least a chamber next to mine." He led her towards the west wing gentle in his handling and without pulling her.

"I doubt your mother likes me."


Devyn stopped just before his closed bedchamber and stared at her. His heart beat and her presence just by his side made it ache even more. He pushed the door open and ushered her in. "She was blessed with the same kind of heart many others were given, unfortunately. She isnt the most likable either." He closed the door behind him. "And I honestly do not understand how my father was able to keep up with her. But seeing as it was an arranged marriage, mostly he wanting her for her status in society and her dowery, I do not think he had much of a choice."

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