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"Thomas, I have never believed in spanking because I of course am a different man, but this my good sir, even you can tell is utter madness. Wait till her father hears of this." Fear gripped her bones and she sucked in a deep breath, something that caught Devyn's attention and his eyes willingly settled on her lips.

"Pardon me." She murmured and without word turned for her bedchamber. What had she been thinking? She questioned herself. And more importantly what was she feeling? She was meant to be feeling anger towards the man, hatred for the bitter loveless marriage she was trapped in and yet her body reacted to wanting his hard presence. Wanting his attention on her. Once alone in the confines of her bedchamber she got down on her knees and let out the hardest sob she had ever cried.


I fear I am alone in all this. And might not have word or say in this matter, I beg of you, papa. Talk to him. I believe he will listen to you. A divorce will ruin my reputation, and no one would want to associate themselves with me. And most of all papa, I do not think I want an annulment.

Your daughter,


"Rum and raspberry source my lord. I fear it shall do your stomach no good." Devyn sensed Callam's person even before he heard the slow steps of his feet on the carpeted floor. For some odd reason he found the steps comforting, welcoming if he could add and it was perhaps because the man was more a father figure to him than his actual father ever was. Feelings that brought back nostalgia of having the man being interested in his personal life during every dinner he could remember unlike his father that was ever always eager to be rid of not only his but also his mothers whines of the day. "Then that is all I need. I have had but stressful days." "Your father would usually go for a strong scotch and a whiskey. If you are breaking old traditions my lord, then I say you shall indeed wake up with a terrible stomach by morn."

His eyes curiously darted to the empty seat by his side. For three days in a row, the lady of the house had missed many meals dinning with him, she had even taken it upon herself to avoid every encounter that had to do with him. Missing him at every corner and even hiding in rooms when he was close by and simply not even coming down for breakfast not that he had ever asked for her to dine with him. Peace and quiet was just one of the many things that was hard to come by these days. But perhaps he had also offended her by not greeting her after his arrival, he had after all been away for five full months. Though the encounter they had had in his office was one of utter disrespect and if this was her way of punishing herself avoiding his company that is, then who was he to argue. "She requested to dine in her room my lord. Her maid said she awoke today with a fewer." "Hm." He nodded.

"The cook really out did himself, didnt he? What is this?" "That my lord wasnt the cook rather her ladyship, she had him prepare one of her favourite meals for you. I find that truly remarkable dont you, my lord."

"Callam, and what exactly are you hinting at?" "Nothing my lord. Nothing that concerns me my lord other than my duties to you. But if you do permit my blunt honesty-" "Well thank you my good sir, but your blunt honesty should be saved for another hour when I have ear to hear." "Very well my lord." The butler bowed his head slightly. "I shan't disturb your peace then my lord." Great even his most trusted butler wanted to leave him for the confines of his own chambers. And for some strange reason, that brought a sour taste in his mouth, and he dropped his fork in disgust." Callam."

"My lord."

"Have this all cleared."

"Is it not to your taste my lord? You did compliment the cook did you not?" "It was but now I do not feel like eating anymore." "Ah, yes of course. I would assume it is because you are the only one present in the dining hall," to add more effect on his words, he searched around the room. "Perhaps my lord as a suggestion if you had company-"

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